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Moldflow Plastic Insight 5.0 Realease

发表于 2004-8-4 14:23:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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MPI5.0 已经发布。
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发表于 2004-8-4 14:23:35 | 只看该作者
waht's new:
Meshing Enhancements
[$#8226] New interactive Mesh Repair Wizard to automate the mesh fixing process
and improve mesh quality.
[$#8226] New Chord height meshing parameter for improved meshing of curved
geometries without the need to increase the global mesh density, or define local
mesh densities in the curved regions.
[$#8226] New meshing parameters for optimizing tetrahedral elements.
[$#8226] New quick change option on the Define Mesh Density dialog, and
Increase/Decrease Local Mesh Density commands in the Mesh menu.
[$#8226] Faster 3D meshing and more efficient tetrahedral mesh structure.
[$#8226] New Stitch Free Edges mesh tool.
[$#8226] New Simplify Model tool to reduce imported Fusion or tetrahedral meshed
representations of runner system to curves, for easier property and geometry
[$#8226] New Restrict to visible entities option for diagnostics displays.
[$#8226] New Reciprocal mesh match diagnostic. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] Ability to export Fusion meshed models in STL format using the Export
command in the File menu.
发表于 2004-8-4 14:23:48 | 只看该作者
Modeling Enhancements
[$#8226] New Translate tool to move/copy model entities by specifying a translation
vector. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] New 3 Points Rotate tool which is ideal for rotating a part so the XY plane
coincides with the parting plane. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] New Automatic search for connected curves option for Create Regions [$#1048744]
Hole by Boundary tool.
[$#8226] Apply action in pre-processing can now be bound to a mouse action in the
Mouse tab of the Preferences dialog. (M-Vote)
发表于 2004-8-4 14:24:04 | 只看该作者
Display/General Enhancements
[$#8226] Faster mesh display through edge drawing and color caching optimizations.
[$#8226] Display background can now be set to color gradient as well as solid color in
the Background tab of the Preferences dialog.
[$#8226] New Views history functionality with Previous and Next tools, and Number
of views to remember setting in the Viewer tab of the Preferences dialog.
[$#8226] Extended toolbar functionality to bind up to 10 arbitrary macros or commands
to a quick access toolbar.
[$#8226] The Measurements tool allows you to manipulate the model between node
[$#8226] New mesh volume and mesh area mesh statistics for Fusion models.
[$#8226] The query tool provides additional information for selected entities.
[$#8226] New ability to download benchmark models to compare one release to another.
发表于 2004-8-4 14:24:17 | 只看该作者
Analysis Setup Enhancements
[$#8226] Valve gates can now be assigned to overflow wells and hot gates.
[$#8226] New Edit Valve Gate Timings dialog to view/edit the timings of all valve
gates from a single dialog. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] Ability to plot a graph of the specified packing profile.
[$#8226] Separate injection locations can now be specified for co-injection analysis.
Separate runner systems can also be modeled if required.
[$#8226] Process settings from MMS can now be imported.
发表于 2004-8-4 14:24:41 | 只看该作者
Post-Processing Enhancements
[$#8226] New Compare studies feature to create a tabular report comparing the inputs
and results of two or more studies. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] New Second unit system for results option in the Results tab of the
Preferences dialog.
[$#8226] New Rename option in context menu for results in the Study Tasks pane.
[$#8226] New Lock/Unlock Animations and Lock/Unlock Plots features for
synchronizing multiple animations and plots.
[$#8226] New Probe plot type for viewing 3D results on an XY plot against distance
through the part.
[$#8226] Beginning and end point of animations is now user-configurable.
[$#8226] New Show anchor plane option in the properties of a deflection plot.
[$#8226] Ability to perform calculations on existing results to create user-defined plots
(implementation similar to Calc functionality in Modeller).
[$#8226] New Custom Plot Wizard.
[$#8226] New Cooling Efficiency plot. (M-Vote)
[$#8226] Deflection results can now be overlaid with other results using the context
[$#8226] New Molding Window 2D Slice plot.
[$#8226] New MPI to ABAQUS interface for 3D models and associated MPI/Flow and
MPI/Fiber results
发表于 2004-8-4 14:25:04 | 只看该作者
Solver Enhancements
The following solver enhancements have been incorporated into the MPI 5.0
[$#8226] New simulation technologies.
[$#8226] Solver improvements.
New Simulation Technologies
The following new simulation technologies have been incorporated into the MPI
5.0 release:
[$#8226] Gas-assisted flow analysis, which was only supported for Midplane models in
previous releases, is now supported for 3D models. The key feature of 3D gasassisted
analysis is that it does not require gas channels to be modeled.
[$#8226] Packing and warpage analysis support for thermoset materials.
[$#8226] Cooling and warpage analyses are now supported for static part insert (metal or
polymer) overmolding.
[$#8226] Thermoplastics 2-shot sequential overmolding, which was only supported for
3D models in previous releases, is now supported for Midplane and Fusion
models for fill and flow only.
[$#8226] Warpage analysis is now supported for 3D thermoplastics 2-shot sequential
发表于 2004-8-4 14:26:01 | 只看该作者
Solver Improvements
The following solver improvements have been incorporated into the MPI 5.0
[$#8226] New Fast Fill analysis for Midplane and Fusion models, for quick model and
fill pattern checking.
[$#8226] New Core shift simulation for Midplane, Fusion or 3D flow analysis (requires
MPI/Warp license).
[$#8226] New Dynamic paddle shift analysis for Microchip Encapsulation.
[$#8226] Analysis speed improvements for Midplane/Fusion Fill, Pack and Fiber
More robust runner balancing prediction. When convergence problems arise,
the solver attempts to adjust switch-over and packing pressure settings to
obtain better balance results, and always returns the best balance result, not the
result of the last iteration.
[$#8226] Improved warpage prediction through improvements to CRIMS model and
data/prediction correlation process.
[$#8226] New valve gate control options to open/close gates based on pressure,
%volume and ram position, in addition to time and flow front activation. (MVote)
[$#8226] New Heat loss into mold property for hot runners/gates/sprues.
[$#8226] New Consider corner effects solver parameters for Midplane and Fusion
warpage analyses.
[$#8226] New Viscosity treatment at high shear rates solver parameter for improved
viscosity calculation for shear-sensitive materials.
[$#8226] New Number of time steps for 3D cooling flux calculation solver parameter for
the 3D cooling analysis.
[$#8226] New %Air mass solver parameter for the curing phase of the 3D Reactive
Molding process.
[$#8226] Local mold surface temperatures can now be specified for Reaction Injection
Molding and Microchip Encapsulation processes.
发表于 2004-8-4 15:04:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-8-7 13:32:42 | 只看该作者
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