4、速度下降太多有可能是你的内存不够。作者: CURSE1 时间: 2002-10-31 18:11
老大,我的计算机用的正是WIN2000,内存256。你说的神奇跳线我知道,当时买显卡的时候考虑到ATI卡的画质和价钱(8500le ¥780,耕生钛极350 ¥980),一犹豫就没买,现在很后悔。不过没法子了,我已经没钱了。作者: denggang 时间: 2002-11-1 11:02
耕升的MX400可以改成 ELSA的 SYIII,现在价钱应该不贵。我就是用他改的。作者: lslbzh6370 时间: 2008-6-8 12:09 标题: 请解读使用艾尔莎 ATI FireGL V7200蓝屏后的提示: 请解读使用艾尔莎 ATI FireGL V7200蓝屏后的提示:
A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer
If this the fist time you’ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appers again, follow these steps: you
Check to be sure you have adequate disk spare if a drive is identified in the stop message, disable the driver of check with the manufacturer for driver updates, Try changing video adapters.
Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.
caching or shadowing Enable改为Disable.存盘退出!)
Technical information:
STOP:0x0000008E(0xc000005, 0xBFA48550,0xB&!00b0,0x0000000)
Acti2cqq.dll-address BFA48550 base act BFA270000,Datestamp 43e95563.
我的配置:1、CPU 酷睿2/6420 1460
主板 华硕P5B 1080
硬盘 WD 320G 730
内存 金士顿1G *4 1280
显卡 艾尔莎V7200 8650
显示器 三星226BW 2150
光驱 SONY G170A 350
鼠标 罗技套件 150
电源 AH680A 760
机箱 VA3000BNSB 680
合计:17290 含税:18500
我的系统 windows serever 2003 Enterprise Edition