Use this keyboard key (or combination)... To...
Escape Exit the current dialog box (when there is one)
F1 Get contextual online help
Shift + F1 Get help on toolbar icons
Shift + F2 Toggle the specification tree overview on and off
F3 Toggle specification tree display on and off
Alt + F8 Run macros
Shift + F3 Activate the graph is the model is active and inversely
Home Display the top of the graph
End Display the bottom of the graph
Page Up Relocate the graph one page up
Page Down Relocate the graph one page down
Ctrl + Page Up Zoom In the graph
Ctrl + Page Down Zoom Out the graph
Up arrow Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the top
Down arrow Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the bottom
Left arrow Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the left
Right arrow Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the right
Ctrl + Tab Swap active document windows
Another useful shortcut
Clicking an icon lets you run the command associated with that icon only once. However, double-clicking an icon lets you use the associated command as many times as you want without having to click on the icon several times