No body is in the right position to comment this software except me.This program is from Taiwan ChinHua university. it is actually a prototype program written by students.(That why the interface looks like *** ). Their engineer used to say Cmold technologies originated from them, which it has become a very big laughing stock.Anyway compare to Moldflow, this software is not even a baby. Plus, there is another polymer flow software from Taiwan called "SimpoE", log in to this website www.simpoe_mold.com for more infomation. It is of the same level as Moldex, but even cheaper price.
I used this product before. Last time it run under Solidwork. Not doing detailed analysis, i think MPA or even Cmold 3D quickfill is better,the programmer is a lady, purpose is to bring you to fall into Moldex.Anyway, I can tell you using Moldex3D is a very very very painful experience.I started using Moldex before it is commercial, it was called CAEMOLD. Until today, nothing much has been improved on the kernel. There is another good polymer flow program in Taiwan call "Simpoe", visit this website for more information https://www.simpoe-mold.com. It has 3D simulation too. Price is even cheaper than Moldex.But it is workable and practical!