Machine Name: J1300EIII 5000H B
Material Name: Novodur PMTM : Bayer USA
------------------------------------------------------------------------Machine Specification:
Maximum pressure: 142.0000 MPa
Screw diameter: 120.0000 mm
Maximum injection speed: 89.3036 mm/s
Screw intensification ratio: 10.0000
Machine response time: 0.010 s
Machine maximum clamp force: 1300.0000 tonne
------------------------------------------------------------------------Temperature Settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------Melt temperature: 240.0000 C
Mold cavity_side temperature: 65.0000 C
Mold core-side temperature: 65.0000 C
------------------------------------------------------------------------Injection Settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------Injection control method: Stroke vs ram speed
Injection profile:
Ram position(mm) Ram speed(mm/s)
300.0000 23.2189
290.0000 23.2189
250.0000 89.3036
150.0000 35.7214
80.0000 4.4652
5.0000 4.4652
0.0000 4.4652
Packing pressure profile
Duration Pressure
(s) (MPa)
0.0000 51.3028
11.1000 51.3028
Cooling time: 30.0000 s
------------------------------------------------------------------------Valve Gate Control Settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Valve gate opens and closes by:
Control ID Open Close
---------- ------------ ------------
1 0.0000 s 3.5000 s
------------------------------------------------------------------------Gas Injection Control Settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------Gas injection controller no. 1 :
Material = Compressed Nitrogen
ID = 1
Gas injection control method = Pressure control
Gas delay time = 1.8000 s
Gas injection time = 8.0000 s
Gas pressure vs time profile:
time (s) pressure (MPa)
---------- -------------
0.0000 0.0000
Maximum gas pressure = 10.0000 MPa
Number of gas entrances using this controller = 4
Timer for closing polymer injection location shut-off valve = 5.25 s
------------------------------------------------------------------------Results from Flow Analysis
Total volume of the part and cold runners: 1566.8200 cm^3
Switch-over Pressure: 64.1285 MPa
Maximum clamp force required: 768.4105 tonne