在.CATPart文件中的PartBody中有一个Pad,我想把这个Body中的实体拷贝到另外一个Body中(这个Body还不存在),用paste special >As result 来做,请问该怎么样做?
// Does the whole Copy Paste transaction as in batch calls (using Clipboard)
// Parameters :
// iContainer = Container of the copied objects
// iFormat_name = string identifying the format :
// CATPrtCont = As Specified
// CATPrtResult = As Result With Link
// CATPrtResultWithOutLink = As Result With Link
// (see CATIASelection for a more exhaustive list)
// iList_of_features_to_copy = the list of features to copy
// iTargetContainer = the container of the selected destination for paste
// iFeature_target = the feature that would be selected in interactive mode as a destination
// oPastedFeatures = the list of pasted features returned by the copy paste transaction
ExportedByMF0CCP HRESULT CopyPaste(const CATIContainer_var& iContainer,
const char* iFormat_name,
const CATListValCATISpecObject_var& iList_of_features_to_copy,
const CATIContainer_var& iTargetContainer,
const CATISpecObject_var& iFeature_target,
CATListValCATISpecObject_var[$ oPastedFeatures)]