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发表于 2005-5-31 20:51:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-31 21:46:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-31 22:16:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-31 22:20:17 | 只看该作者
liuwujun wrote:

发表于 2005-6-1 08:49:49 | 只看该作者
shcityone wrote:

这个地方可以下载 www.ptc.com
发表于 2005-6-1 09:23:23 | 只看该作者
  这个地方可以下载 www.ptc.com  [/quote]
发表于 2005-6-1 09:28:19 | 只看该作者
lin518 wrote:
  这个地方可以下载 www.ptc.com  

  没找到 [/quote]
发表于 2005-6-1 12:13:09 | 只看该作者
     象UG        隐藏   和   反隐藏就好了
    以前的隐藏太麻烦   要是反隐藏的话在模型树里找半天
    即使2.0加了一个   HIDDEN  ITEM 图层,操作也得一个一个点
    总之,麻烦   要是模型特别复杂,那就更麻烦了
发表于 2005-6-1 13:21:58 | 只看该作者
3D Quick Print  
Quickly create drawing layouts and plot directly from the 3D environment.
3D Section Display in Drawings  
In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0, drawing views can display 3D sections (zones) from models.
3D Set Datum Tags on Surfaces  
We've implemented a new option for displaying set datums in 3D. Users can now place ASME Y14.41 style set datum tags on surfaces.
Activate Layer  
Now you can set a layer to be active and all layer-able entities created from that point forward will automatically be added to that layer.
Additional Language Support for Pro/ENGINEER on Linux  
Responding to the growing demand from global Linux users, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 offers additional language support.
Align Angular Dimensions  
Angular and linear dimensions can now be aligned at the same time.
Annotation Feature and UDF Interaction  
Users can now add annotation features to UDFs. Users can choose to vary surface finish values, geometric tolerance values, or driven dimension tolerances.  
Annotation Features in UDFs  
You can select Annotation features for inclusion in user-defined features. Annotation features and Annotation Element parameters and some annotation values can also be marked as variable items in the feature definitions.
Attach Geometric Tolerances to Leader Elbows  
New placement options for geometric tolerance attachment have been added to support ISO and JIS standards.
Autodetection of a Windows Locale  
Pro/ENGINEER and PTC.Setup have been enhanced to detect the system default locale on Windows and attempt to run Pro/ENGINEER in that locale.
Automatic Annotation Display in Drawings  
Maximize the value of detailing your 3D models. When you create a drawing view of a model with 3D annotations, they are automatically shown when appropriate.
Automatic Clipped Dimensions  
We've added a new way to create clipped dimensions in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 and improved the ability to create small, acute, angular dimensions.
Chamfer Dimension Witness Lines  
Now when shown chamfer dimensions are repositioned, a witness line will automatically be created.
Component Interface Definition Enhancements  
Component Interfaces are now easier to define, easier to place in an assembly, and viewable in the Model Tree.
Component Placement Dashboard  
The Component Placement dashboard, drag handles, and feedback in the graphics window provide a faster, easier method to assemble components in Pro/ENGINEER assemblies.
Component Replace Enhancements  
All methods of replacing components in an assembly have been enhanced and combined into a single, easy-to-use dialog box.
  Consolidated Cut and the Both Sides Option  
The sheetmetal cut is consolidated with the solid Cut.
Copy and Paste in Assembly  
The Windows style copy and paste is now available in Assembly mode.
Create Snap Lines Offset 2D Entities  
Snap lines can now reference 2D draft entities in drawings.
Cross Section Analysis  
The Section Analysis tool has an option to automatically span the selection set with cross sections at a defined spacing for analysis.
Curved Patterns  
The Curve option on the Pattern dashboard allows you to create instances of a feature along a sketched curve.
Cut, Copy, and Paste in Sketcher  
Sketcher now uses the Microsoft cut, copy, and paste operations for consistency with Pro/ENGINEER.  
Data Sharing Dashboard  
The Data Sharing dashboard modernizes the user interface and consolidates the Merge, Cutout, and Inheritance features.  
Defining the text direction for annotations  
When placing annotations, users are presented with the default text direction. This can be changed using default angle selections or by entering an angle.
Dependant Copy Enhancements for Annotation Features  
When creating dependant copies of annotation features, the annotations included will also be dependant. Dependant behavior of annotations is limited to text input, text style, color, and parameters.  
Dependent 3D Cross Section Views  
By default, when a new view is created that is dependent upon a view using a 3D section, the dependent view's section will be linked to its parent's section setting.
Detailing 'On-Item' Note Position Enhancements  
Detailing has been enhanced enabling users to control the vertical and horizontal justification of On-Entity notes.
Difference Report support of 3D Drawings  
The Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 difference report now includes the ability to analyze and determine the difference between two versions of the same part for Annotation Features, their Annotation Elements and Annotations.
Direct Manipulation of Lights  
The way that users interact with lights has been completely overhauled within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
Draft Analysis and Color Display  
Draft Analysis enhancements to color display provide three-colors with control over the transition between color regions.
Drawing Template Improvements  
Drawing templates now support 3D sections and combination states, and they provide better scaling options.
Enhancements to Asynchronous Datum Creation  
Datums created during other feature creation tools will be embedded into the feature. Users can embed datum axis, datum points, datum planes, and datum coordinate systems.
Enhancements to the Annotation Feature User Interface  
Enhancements to the annotation feature interface include having the ability to enter descriptions for the references selected, to replace references using the right mouse button, and to define the text direction of the annotations.
Entering Sketcher without a Clear Orientation Reference  
After you select a sketching plane, you can enter Sketcher mode even if no default orientation reference exists.
Exact Placement Updates  
We've improved Move Special and enabled symbol placement at exact coordinates in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0.
Excluding Datum Curves from HLR Calculations  
You can exclude datum curves from hidden line removal calculations. This helps to improve performance in large drawings.
Export Drawing Tables as CSV Files  
We've added a new option during Save Table operations that allows Pro/ENGINEER drawing tables to be exported as CSV files.
Flip Arrows Command for Diameter and Radius Dimensions  
Diameter and Radius dimensions now each have a Flip Arrows style.
Full Mechanism Dragging Capabilities in Assembly Mode  
Mechanism's Drag dialog box is available in Assembly mode and allows full body dragging capabilities.
Fully Dependent Copied Features  
The fully dependent and associative type of copied feature offers significant flexibility by making the copied set of features dependent on the source in varying degrees.
Geometric Tolerance Display Options  
New dtl setup options have been created to enable users to ensure geometric tolerances can be created according to ISO and JIS standards
Highlight Sketcher Entity Improvements when Explaining Constraints  
Sketcher entity highlighting has been enhanced, improving awareness of a particular constraints defined geometry and references when a user has selected to explain a constraint.
Horizontal Text for Radius Dimensions  
Now radius dimensions with parallel extension lines can be shown with a horizontal text orientation.
ISO Tolerance Table Verification  
We've added a check to validate automatically assigned ISO dimension tolerance values.
Improved Chain & Surface UI  
Within feature tools, customers can define the chain of edges or set of surfaces for the feature. Customers now have a more streamlined dialog to define these references.  
Improved Copy, Paste and Paste Special Tools  
Copy and paste or paste special has been improved to include a number of workflow improvements including the concept of a clipboard to allow a repeated paste operation.  
Improved Dimensioning for Unfolded Views  
The allowed attachment references for dimensioning unfolded views has been expanded.
Improved ModelCHECK Support for 3D-Drawings  
New checks have been added to core ModelCHECK for Annotation Features to help companies validate and confirm these features are not left in a state of incompleteness.
Improved Ordinate Dimensioning  
You can now directly create ordinate dimensions, add dimensions to an existing ordinate dimension, and group or redefine the attachment of ordinate dimensions.
Improved Parameter Table Interaction for Restricted Parameters  
The parameters table has been enhanced to allow for auto-complete input, as well as, name filtering for all restricted parameters specified in an external parameter file.
Improved Sketcher Performance with Large Sections  
Sketcher performance has been drastically improved when dealing with large sections of more then 40 entities and when adding additional entities.  
Improved Undo/Redo View Orientation in Sketcher  
The undo/redo view orientation in sketcher has been improved, providing users with more control over sketcher commands and action sequences during an undo/redo operation.
Improved Usability of the ModelCHECK Configurator  
The ModelCHECK Configurator, introduced in the previous release to make it easy to create, find, and edit ModelCHECK files to meet company standards and best practices, has been enhanced in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0.
JIS Ordinate Baselines  
Ordinate baselines have been improved to better support JIS standard.
JIS Thread Display in Drawings  
We've improved the display of thread features in drawings to better support JIS standards.
Light Weld Feature Enhancements  
Several enhancements to the Light Weld feature improve performance and use of light welds.
Lightweight Preview for Warp Features  
With the Facet Preview option, you can easily preview Warp features for large datasets.
Locked Dimensions in Sketcher  
Locked dimensions in a sketch remain locked after completing the sketch in Sketcher and throughout the design of a model.
Materials Capabilities Improved  
Materials capabilities have been dramatically improved with a new Materials dialog box for defining materials and a completely overhauled library.
Measure User Interface  
The Measure user interface now conforms to the Pro/ENGINEER user model.
Mechanism Body Folder in Assembly Mode  
View the mechanism body definition of an assembly in the new split Model Tree within Assembly mode.
Minimize Overlap of Copied Annotations  
The position of annotation elements during copy/paste special, group pattern, or UDF placement operations has been adjusted to minimize overlap.
Mirror Command Enhancements for Subassemblies  
Components and assemblies can now be mirrored independently of the assembly of origin.
ModelCHECK Toolkit Provides for Custom Checks  
With ModelCHECK you can now develop your own custom checks.
  Multiple Walls Using the Flange Tool  
The Flange tool can create multiple walls when you select multiple, nontangent edges.
New Display Options for Per Unit Tolerances  
We've added several new display options for flatness geometric tolerances.
New Envelope Manager  
The redesigned Envelope Manager is easier to use.
New Sketcher Palette  
With the new Sketcher palette, you can capture common shapes and sections for reuse in future sketches without having to recreate them.
  New Unattached Extruded Wall User Interface  
The Unattached Extruded wall feature has been consolidated with the Core Extrude feature into a new user interface.
  New Unattached Flat Wall User Interface  
The Unattached Flat Wall feature has a new dashboard interface.
On Item Text Placement Improvements  
We've added functionality to help users align text that is placed using the ''On Item'' placement type.
Orientation and Projection of Fill Pattern Members  
The enhancements to Fill Patterns offer the ability to project and orient fill pattern members onto surfaces.
Parameter Enhancements  
With enhancements to parameters, you can quickly and easily complete such operations as converting units of parameters.
Parametric Draft Fillets and Chamfers  
Improved sketching in drawings includes the ability to create draft fillets and chamfers that are parametric to model edges.
Part Simplified Representations in Drawings  
In response to an overwhelming number of enhancement requests, we've added support for part simplified reps in drawing views.
Partial Shells  
The Shell tool can now exclude surfaces when you hollow out a solid to create a partial shell.
Pattern Tool Enhancements  
The Pattern tool offers significant enhancements, including the preview of patterns, roll back of features, and many other additions.
Placement of User-Defined Features  
The User-Defined Feature (UFD) tool streamlines workflow, offering increased flexibility and capabilities for placement of UFDs in a modern user interface.
RMB Actions for Moving and Rotating Annotations  
Users can now easily move and rotate the text direction of annotation after selecting the annotation element from the model tree.  
Real-Time Collision Detection in Assembly Mode  
Real-time collision detection is now available in Assembly mode using dragging operations.
Reduced File Size of Merged Drawings  
An internal process reduces the size of the final drawing when two drawings are merged.  
Rendering Scene File  
Rendering Scene files have been added to Wildfire 3.0 allowing users to save the render room, lighting and environment settings to a single file.  
Restricted Parameter Names and Values  
By specifying an external file, you can define restricted parameter names and values. When adding these parameters using the Parameters Dialog, you are required to select from a list of values or to define a value within a specified range.  
Separate Layer Dialog  
Customers can now set a config.pro option to allow a floating layer dialog. This has been reintroduced back into Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 as one of the top enhancement requests.  
Set Datum Attachment to Gtols  
Enable attachment of set datum tags to geometric tolerances in models and drawings.
Set Up of Sketching Planes and Orientation References in Sketcher  
With the improved creation and modification workflow for Sketcher, you can directly modify the setup of a sketch and orientation references.
Shaded Views in Drawings  
You can now include shaded views of models in drawings. This capability improves plotting drawings with OLE objects and shaded views.
  Sheetmetal Reports  
The Sheetmetal Info reports are consolidated within the Model Info report.
Show Frozen Components in Assembly Model Tree  
This enhancement will change the model tree icon so that a user can quickly inspect the model tree to determine what components are currently frozen
Simultaneous Retrieval of Components and Graphics  
Pro/ENGINEER now displays the graphics of each component in the graphics window during retrieval of the assembly.  
Sketched Text Positions  
Sketcher has been enhanced for control of the vertical and horizontal justification of sketched text.
Slot Connections in Assembly Mode  
Mechanism slot connections can now be defined as an Assembly connection.
Specifying Joint Axis Limits during Component Placement  
You can now set joint axis settings when you are defining component placement, making it easier and simpler to limit the motion of components within Assembly mode.
Streamlined Board Import and Export  
Side menus for the import and export of ECAD data have been consolidated into a single dialog box.
  Streamlined Creation of ECAD Areas  
An ECAD Area dialog box for the creation of ECAD areas consolidates the previous side menus.
Support for Flexible Components in Kinematic Assemblies  
Pro/ENGINEER Assemblies with packaged components can now be kinematically dragged in real time with flexible components, such as springs and pipes, that fully constrain the assembly.  
Support of OpenType Fonts  
With Universal Font Scaling Technology 4.7, you can use and place OpenType Fonts for multi-language support in all areas, including Sketcher and drawings.  
Swept Blend Dashboard  
The new Swept Blend tool uses a smooth-flow workflow with a dashboard user interface.
Undo and Redo Support for Assembly Operations  
Undo and Redo are now available in Assembly mode for all of the general assembly operations and commands.
  Updated Default Setting for Importing Holes  
The default value for the configuration option ecad_import_holes_as_features has been changed from NO to YES.  
Updates to Surface Finish Annotations  
Now it is possible to collect surface finish reference surfaces separately from the symbol attachment reference in 3D. We've also enabled advanced selection for surface finish annotation elements in annotation features.
View Manager States for Drawing Views  
You can reuse all states created in 3D models to help configure drawing views.
发表于 2005-6-1 13:24:00 | 只看该作者
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