UG 中调用VERICUT 出问题请高手解答:
echo off
rem CGTech, Copyright, All Rights Reserved
rem This file sets up the CGTech License environment
rem it should be called from another CGTech batch file
rem The following environment variable specifies the license server host name
rem Change the host name after the "=" to specify a different license server
set LSHOST=no-net
set LSERVRC=%CGTECH_INSTALL%\windows\license\cgtech.lf
VERICUT5,4 我也装了, 是第一次装, 也 copy all files from \crack to the dirs of installation dir, 但 是VERICUT仍打不开,WARING IS THE LICENSE PROBLEM, 请 问哪位朋友知道怎么 INSTALL VERICUT,THANKS VERY MUCH