To find the name of an action command (not a menu button), click the corresponding icon on the toolbar (not the button in the menu bar) and then check the last entry in the trail file. For example, for the save icon, the trail file will have the corresponding entry:——为了找到动作的名称(并非菜单按钮的名称),单击工具条上相应的图标(不是菜单上的按钮),然后查看最新的trail文件,例如,对于“保存”图标,trail上面会有相应的条目
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `ProCmdModelSave.file`
The Action name for the save button is " roCmdModelSave". This string can be used as input to ProCmdCmdIdFind() to get the command ID. ——“保存”按钮的的动作名称是ProCmdModelSave,该字符串可以作为ProCmdCmdIdFind() 的参数来查找相应的命令句柄。
In order to find the name of a menu button (used to the determine the placement of new menu buttons), click on the menu bar menu button (not the icon) and then check the trail file. For example, for the Auxiliary Applications button, the trail file will have the following entry: :——为了找到菜单按钮的名称(用来确定如何放置新的菜单按钮),单击菜单上的按钮(不是图标),然后查看最新的trail文件,例如,对于“辅助应用程序”图标,trail上面会有如下的条目:
~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1` \
1 `Utilities`
~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `Utilities.psh_util_aux`
The menu name selected is Utilities, and the menu button name is Utilities.psh_util_aux. ——由此可知,所选菜单的名称是Utilities,而菜单按钮的名称是Utilities.psh_util_aux. |