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【讨论】UG18033 新增加功能!

发表于 2002-3-12 19:48:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Model Navigator Enhancements
The Parent Curves option on the Model Navigator MB3 Popup has been replaced with a new Show/Hide casCADe menu. Show/Hide includes options that let you show or hide in the graphics window, the parent solids, curves or edges for the selected features, and or their outputs.
Show Body and Show Feature - Use these options to show the body of the feature, if any, and/or the feature's outputs. For example, to show an extruded feature means to show the resulting body of that feature. To show a curve offset feature means to show the output curves of that feature.
Hide Body and Hide Feature - Use these options to hide the body of the selected feature, if any, and/or the feature's outputs.
Show Parents - Use this option to show all displayable parents of the selected feature, and
if the parent curve belongs to a sketch or feature curve, show all output curves of the sketch or feature curve.
if the parent is an edge or face, show the solid that contains this edge or face.
Hide Parents - Use this option to hide all displayable parents of the selected feature.
Only those options applicable to the currently selected feature are available.
Edit Parameters
The Edit Parameters option on the Model Navigator MB3 Popup has been enhanced so that the selected feature and its parent objects are now always visible during edit. If the objects are blanked, they are temporarily unblanked. If they are on invisible layers, they are temporarily moved to the work layer. If you change the display status of these objects during edit, the changes are retained. Objects that were unchanged during the edit are returned to their previous state.
Make Current Feature
For the Make Current Feature option on the Model Navigator MB3 Popup, the selected feature and/or its outputs are now always visible. If any of the objects are blanked, they are unblanked. If they are on invisible or visible layers, the layer status is changed to selectable.
Profile String Chaining Enhancement
What is it?
  The Chain Curve option used to specify profile chaining with certain Modeling functions has been improved in several ways.
You can now use Chain Curve to select not only curves but edges for the selection profile. You can also select edges from different faces for the chain.
When a chain encounters multiple edges at vertices, the direction of the chain proceeds along the path with the least angle.
When do I use it?
  Use these enhancements anytime you chain curves or edges using the Modeling functions specified below.
How do I use it?
  Chaining still works as documented in the online help. To select an entire chain, double-click on a segment of the chain. To select a portion of a chain, click on the beginning segment, and then click on the ending segment.
Where do I find it?
  These chaining improvements work with Join Curve, Offset Curve, Swept, Ruled Surface, Through Curves, Through Curve Mesh, Section, Extrude, Revolve, Tube, and Sweep Along Guide.
Model Navigator
You can now easily group features from within the Model Navigator using a new popup item, Group Features. Select the features for the set from the Model Navigator and use MB3 to choose the new Group Features item. Then just name and optionally customize your new feature set.  
The List Information option on the MB3 popup menu has been renamed to Information. Also, the Feature Browser dialog now displays before the Information window if only one feature is selected in the Model Navigator:  
If you select one feature and choose Information from the MB3 popup menu, the Feature Browser dialog now opens with the feature preselected. You can then choose other options on the Feature Browser before clicking Apply to open the Information window.
If you select more than one feature and choose Information from the MB3 popup menu, the Information window opens with Feature Browser data for all of the selected features. In this case, the Feature Browser dialog is not displayed.
Feature Browser
With the Feature Browser dialog (Information-> Feature), you can now double-click a feature in the second (Feature Dependency) list box to highlight and select that same feature in the top list box. If the newly highlighted feature in the top list box has any dependent features, they are then displayed in the lower list box. You can continue to double-click features in the lower list box to display successive levels of dependent features (if any).
Feature Deletion
The warning displayed when you delete a feature with child features is now more inclusive.  
Formerly, the warning appeared only if a child feature was affected by the deletion, but was not itself deleted. For example, if some of the parents of a blend feature were deleted but some of the parent edges of the blend survived, then the blend was affected by the delete and you would see the warning dialog.
Now, the warning also comes up when deleting features that also cause other features to be deleted that were not explicitly selected by the user.  
Trimmed Sheet
A Retain Trim Boundary option has been added to the Trimmed Sheet function.  
When Retain Trim Boundary is active, pressing MB2 performs an Apply instead of an OK. The dialog remains open so you continue to select other target bodies using the specified trim boundary.
Another enhancement has to do with the first selection step, Target Sheet Body. Now, when you select a target sheet body, the cursor position that you use to select the sheet body also specifies a region point, which is used with the Region selection step.
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