prepare : db.dmp c:\imandata c:\imanvol
1. install iman base installation, (custom -> load files)
2. pv installation
x. Teamcenter Secure file management service (optional)
3. create db with dbca using teamcenter engineering db templates
4. imp infodba/infodba@sid_name file=db.dmp log=log.txt fromuser=infodba touser=infodba commit=y ignore=y
5. modify files in c:\imandata:
iman_profilevars.bat : oracle_sid, oracle_server
file name : pom_servername_sidname -> pom_yourservername_yousidname
tnsnames.ora : servername, sidname
5. 2-tier portal installation, connect to new db (by selecting "new connection"), using c:\imandata
6. modify volume path in DB:
sqlplus infodba/infodba@sid_name
SQL> set wrap off
SQL> select puid,substr(pnode_name,1,10), substr(pwnt_path_name,1,30) from pimanvolume;
--------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------
AFDFO7mqltxOFB ugsplm d:\ugs\sids\tsunami\volume
AlPJyEJ2ltxOFB ugsplm d:\UGS\sids\tsunami\design_vol
(get PUID for the target volume entry, such as "AFDFO7mqltxOFB"
and then
SQL> update pimanvolume set pnode_name='your_hostname', pwnt_path_name='c:\imanvol' where puid = 'AFDFO7mqltxOFB';
SQL> commit;
done! |