User Exits
A user exit is an internal Open C and C++ API program with a unique entry point that occurs at a specific location within Unigraphics NX. The argument list for each function is identical to ufusr. You can obtain full details on user exits from the Reference Help or the header file uf_exit.h. Each user exit has a unique environment variable that points to the image that is to be executed. When this environment variable is defined and you select the correct menu option within UG, your internal Open C and C++ API Program is executed. For example, there is a user exit that occurs at File—>Execute UG/Open.
There is a special user exit that occurs at the startup of Unigraphics NX. The user exit function name is ufsta(). This exit uses the environment variable USER_STARTUP. However, this entry point can also be used by MenuScript and User Defined Objects (UDOs). Unlike MenuScript, in the UDO case, this entry point is encountered when an external Open C and C++ API program runs.