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发表于 2003-6-4 11:40:23 | 只看该作者
"运行"指的是辅助程序里面的 run
比如显示菜单的时候需要读取菜单资源,显示message要读取massage txt
下面是注册的相关e文,在toolkit user guide 里面的fundatemental里面有:
Step 2--Register  
In the same directory, create a text file called protk.dat. This file is the "registry file" that tells Pro/ENGINEER about the Pro/TOOLKIT application. Refer to Sample Registry Files for syntax requirements for this file. The protk.dat file should contain the following lines:  
     name install_test
     exec_file pt_install_test
     text_dir <TK_LOADPOINT>/protk_appls/pt_install_test
     revision 2001
For delimiter characters in protk.dat, use '/' on UNIX platforms and '\' on Windows NT platforms.  
On Windows systems, use the executable name pt_install_test.exe in the second line, and the Windows directory syntax in the third line.  
Registering a Pro/TOOLKIT Application  
Registering a Pro/TOOLKIT application means providing information to Pro/ENGINEER about the files that form the Pro/TOOLKIT application. To do this, create a small text file, called the Pro/TOOLKIT "registry file," that Pro/ENGINEER will find and read.  
Pro/ENGINEER searches for the registry file in the following locations, in this order:  
A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the current directory
A file named in a "ROTKDAT", "RODEVDAT", or "TOOLKIT_REGISTRY_FILE" statement in the Pro/ENGINEER configuration file
A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the directory &ltro/ENGINEER>/<MACHINE>/text/<LANGUAGE>
A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the directory &ltro/ENGINEER>/text
In the last two options, the variables are as follows:  
&ltro/ENGINEER>--The Pro/ENGINEER loadpoint (not the Pro/TOOLKIT loadpoint)  
<MACHINE>--The machine-specific subdirectory (such as sgi_elf2 or i486_nt)  
<LANGUAGE>--The name of the Pro/ENGINEER language the Pro/TOOLKIT application will be used with (such as "usascii" (English), "german", or "japanese")  
If more than one registry file exists in this search path, Pro/ENGINEER finds them all and starts all the Pro/TOOLKIT applications specified in them.  
Note that option 1 is used normally during development, because the Pro/TOOLKIT application is seen only if you start Pro/ENGINEER from the specific directory that contains protk.dat.  
Option 2 or 4 is recommended when making an end-user installation, because it makes sure that the registry file is found no matter what directory is used to start Pro/ENGINEER.  
Option 3 enables you to have a different registry file for each platform, and for each Pro/ENGINEER language. However, you can also support different platforms and languages with a single registry file by referencing environment variables in its contents.  
The registry file is a simple text file, where each line consists of one of a predefined set of keywords, followed by a value. The standard form of the registry file in DLL mode is as follows:  
     name YourApplicationName
     startup dll
     exec_file $LOADDIR/$MACHINE_TYPE/obj/filename.dll
     text_dir $LOADDIR
     revision 3
The statements in the registry file are as follows:  
name--Assigns a unique name to this Pro/TOOLKIT application. This is used to identify the application if there is more than one. The maximum size of the name is PRO_NAME_SIZE (defined in the file ProSizeConst.h). Currently this maximum is 31 characters for the name, plus the end-of-string character.  
startup--Specifies the method Pro/ENGINEER should use to communicate with the Pro/TOOLKIT application. This example specifies DLL mode.  
exec_file--Specifies the name of the file produced by compiling and linking the Pro/TOOLKIT application. In DLL mode, this is a dynamically linkable library; in multiprocess mode, it is the executable of a complete program. This example shows a typical use of environment variables to make the reference to the executable file more flexible.  
text_dir--Specifies the directory that contains the menu and message files used by the Pro/TOOLKIT application. These files allow multi-language support for menu buttons and messages used in the Pro/TOOLKIT application (described in detail in Menus and Messages).  
revision--Specifies the version of Pro/TOOLKIT against which you built the application. Use the name for the current release of Pro/TOOLKIT (for example, 2001, 2000i, 2000i2, 2001). If you do not include this statement in your registry file, Pro/TOOLKIT assumes the version number is the same as the version of Pro/ENGINEER. However, PTC advises that you add the line "revision" to all of your existing registry files to expedite startup of your application.  
description--Acts as a help line for your auxiliary application. If you leave the cursor on an application in the Start/Stop GUI, Pro/ENGINEER displays the description text (up to 80 characters). You can use non-ASCII characters, as in menu files.  
end--Indicates the end of the description of this Pro/TOOLKIT application. It is possible to add further statements that define Pro/TOOLKIT applications. All of these applications will be started by Pro/ENGINEER.  
Currently, to make the description appear in multiple languages, you must use separate protk.dat files in <hierarchy>/<platform>/<text>/<language>.  
If you want to run in multiprocess mode, make the following changes to the registry file:  
Change the startup statement to:  
     startup spawn
Make the exec_file statement refer to the Pro/TOOLKIT program executable.
发表于 2003-6-4 15:13:31 | 只看该作者
OMG! so much
看ing ,,,
还有,不知您用没用过那个wizard,这个向导做的(直接导出来的,没做任何修改),注册不上!好像什么debug   crash 什么的,,
可是直接MFC Dll +风缘的代码 就可以注册上,并成功显示。
发表于 2003-6-4 16:08:14 | 只看该作者
ok,wizard做的也好用,是因为我没明白text目录的意思 ,so指错了,呵呵
发表于 2007-4-13 16:51:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-13 17:03:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-13 22:21:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-23 11:29:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-13 20:19:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-23 17:51:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-25 09:44:18 | 只看该作者
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'C:/wildfire4.0/protoolkit/protk_appls/pt_examples/pt_utils/PFMJ.c'
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