New Functionalities
Creating Masks
This new functionality enables you to create a box around the geometry
Managing the Background Visualization
This new capability enables you to manage and filter the visualization of geometric elements.
Interrupting Computations
This new capability lets you interrupt the computation of a feature when it requires at least five seconds
to perform.
Creating User Patterns
This new functionality lets you duplicate one or more features as many times as you wish at the
locations of your choice.
Generating a Drafting Document
This new capability enables you to generate a .CATDrawing document from a .CATPart document
containing a 3D work on support.
Generative Shape Design Parameters
This chapter lists the parameters to be defined when generating a 2D view containing a work on
Enhanced Functionalities
Creating Wireframe Geometry
Creating Points, Lines, Planes and Circles
A new Lock button enables to prevent an automatic change of the type while selecting the geometry.
Creating Polylines
You can now create a polyline with corner in P1 mode.
Creating Associative Isoparametric Curves
In case of multiple surfaces support you can now swap in selected cells the isoparametric propagation
direction from the nearest to the farthest.
Creating Surfaces
Creating Offset Surfaces
A new Manual smoothing type lets you define a deviation parameter so that to control the validity of the
offset result.
Creating Swept Surfaces
The Remove Twisted Areas section explains how to use the new Remove cutters on Preview option.
Creating Swept Surfaces Using an Explicit Profile
Anchor points are automatically computed if not specified.
Available with the With reference surface and With pulling direction sub-types: arrows are now displayed
in the 3D geometry to show all possible solutions.
New Remove cutters on Preview option to recompute the swept surface each time you click on Preview.
Creating Swept Surfaces Using a Linear Profile
Available with the With reference surface, With reference curve and Draft direction sub-types: arrows
are now displayed in the 3D geometry to show all possible solutions.
A new Remove cutters on Preview option enables to recompute the swept surface each time you click on
Creating Swept Surfaces Using a Circular Profile
Product Enhancement Overview Version 5 Release 16 Page 38
You can now select two complete circular solutions when creating a swept surface with two guides and
A new Remove cutters on Preview option enables to recompute the swept surface each time you click on
Creating Swept Surfaces Using a Conical Profile
A new Remove cutters on Preview option enables to recompute the swept surface each time you click on
Creating Adaptive Swept Surfaces
You can now contextually create a reference surface.
You can define an angular correction and set a tolerance to be used for smoothing.
A new Parent field enables you to create contextual features.
You can create a positioned sketch and aggregates it to the swept surface.
A new Relimitation tab lets you to create a multi-sections swept surface using a closed guide.
Performing Operations on Shape Geometry
Smoothing Curves
The smoothing of the curve can be improved even if it has no remaining curvature discontinuities.
Some options are grayed out when trying to smooth a curve that is curvature continuous.
The Topological Simplification is now grayed out when there is only one edge on the curve.
Extracting Geometry
New Distance and Angular Thresholds fields enable you to specify values below which the elements are
to be extracted.
You can now contextually create extracts in point and in tangency.
Extracting Multiple Elements
New Distance and Angular Thresholds enable you to specify values below which the elements are to be
The computation of the Curvature Threshold has been modified.
The Support field is now available when there is an ambiguity about the propagation side.
Creating Edge Fillets
New propagation type: Intersection edges.
Extrapolating Surfaces
The Extremities options are now available with the Curvature continuity type.
Extrapolating Curves
The Assemble option is now available when extrapolating curves.
Using Tools
Performing a Surface Curvature Analysis
Use Min Max button in the color ramp dialog box makes in one action both Use Max / Use Min contextual
commands operation.
Working With the Generative Shape Optimizer Workbench
Deforming Surfaces According to Surface Wrapping
A new wrap type is now available: With direction
Creating Volumes
Creating Swept Volumes
Product Enhancement Overview Version 5 Release 16 Page 39
Anchor points are automatically computed if not specified.
You can define an angular correction and set a tolerance to be used for smoothing.
A new Remove cutters on Preview option enables to recompute the swept surface each time you click on
Workbench Description
Selecting Using a Filter
A new selection mode enables you to select intersection edges.
General Settings
The merging distance value is used as the default Distance Threshold value in the Extract and Multiple
Extract commands.
New Functionalities
Creating Masks
This new functionality enables you to create a box around the geometry
Managing the Background Visualization
This new capability enables you to m ...