Procedure to change line weight of individual object
1. Command : LW, then choose [display lineweight]
2. Turn on [LWT] botton which located on the status row (bottom of the screen)
3. Select objects (line , polyline or spline ... etc.) which you prefer to change lineweight
4. It is suitable to use in drawing outter or inner circle of 2D screw
5. Pull down the [lineweight list] , and choose the proper lineweight
ps : a. [Lineweight pull down list] is located at the right side next to [Linetype pull down list] of STANDARD TOOLBAR
b. lineweight also work on .SHX text
c. Before changing Dimsion text , you must explode the dimensin first to separate text from dimension line
Joseph Lin wrote:
Procedure to change line weight of individual object
1. Command : LW, then choose [display lineweight]
2. Turn on [LWT] botton which located on the status row (bottom of the screen)
3. Select objects (line , polyline or spline ... etc.) which you prefer to change lineweight
4. It is suitable to use in drawing outter or inner circle of 2D screw
5. Pull down the [lineweight list] , and choose the proper lineweight
ps : a. [Lineweight pull down list] is located at the right side next to [Linetype pull down list] of STANDARD TOOLBAR
b. lineweight also work on .SHX text
c. Before changing Dimsion text , you must explode the dimensin first to separate text from dimension line