I9 Cut/Coord system problems
Here is a work around for your problem. I am not sure how robust this
is but I tried few things quickly and came up with this.
(I am referring to your picture)
Before deleting the first cut, try to follow these steps
Show Hidden for the part since all the Ref geom is hidden.
The order for the reference geometry in the history tree will be Rf
Plane, Rf Point, Rf Line
Modify the reference point for second cut, move associations.
Pick the reference point for the first cut,
pop up form will ask you to pick the feature you want to move, pick
pattern and hit OK
update the part
try suppressing/deleting the first cut and then changing the dim for
the coordinate system
see the attached gif
Hope this helps.
Good luck
Does it make any difference if you manually create ref
on top of the coord systems, rather than letting Ideas do it
(On re-reading this email, I suspect that may be what you meant by
"junk" ref geometry).
It always bugs me that it hides the "automatic" ones, since they then
visible for picking the next time I want to use them.
I haven't checked this, but does it create new ref geometry if you just
the co-ord system again, or is it clever enough to know that it already
created some over the top of the CS?
My other thoughts are:-
a) Why the hell can't it use the CS directly for these operations?
After all, it manages to use them for assembly constraints.
b) Why are we stuck having to use cutter parts at all, to create tapped
> Alan,
> A co-worker of mine has called it in and has been working a bunch
with the
> hotline. They have confirmed that it is a serious problem, and is
> into when a fix can be implemented (PTF, m-release, I10).
> Until that happens we are looking into possible work-arounds within
> company. Since we do a lot of cut with relations this is already
> us. Here's what we are looking at.
> -This only affects parts that were created in I9
> -This only happens when the feature before the cut is deleted. Could
> suppress it instead.
> -One work-around is to locate the cut from reference planes, points
> lines. No additional reference geometry is created when you use
> other that coord systems. Why, I don't know! I don't prefer this
> -I think the best work-around is what the hotline suggested. Create
> kind or junk reference geometry before every Cut operation you
> That way a separate node gets created before each cut that will not
> deleted. We are looking into creating a global symbol that will
> create a ref point, then hide it, then execute the Cut command. That
> all the users have to remember is use a global symbol instead of the
> Cut command. The history tree will get slightly larger though.
> Haven't got any reasoning behind whats happening, the only thing I
> of is they changed the location/owner of the ref geometry that gets
> when you do the Cut.
> I'll pass along any additional information I may get.
> Randy Stucke
> Minster Machine Co.
> Minster, OH
-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Stucke [mailto:StuckeR@MINSTER.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:20 PM
To: iccon-des@loki.sdrc.com
Subject: [iccon-des] I9 Cut/Coord system problems
We are seeing a disturbing thing happening (loss of associativity) with
coordinate systems in I9m2 and wanted to see if anyone else is seeing
We always start a part with a BORN and very often use additional
systems to locate other key areas of our parts that many cuts and
will be located off of (for design intent reasons). The problem we are
seeing is happening when we do a "Cut with Relations" and locating it
relative to any additional coordinate systems.
Here's an example of what we are seeing, see attached pics.
-Created a BORN
-Created an additional coordinate system (yellow one) translated from
-Sketched on xy plane of BORN and extruded a square to create Join5.
-Created the blue patterned cutter part (our method of creating tapped
-Cut with relations and dimension it from the second (yellow) cord
axis. We typically use the "from edges" and "parallel edges"
commands for our cuts.
-Created the orange patterned cutter part.
-Cut with relations and dimension it from the second (yellow) cord
axis too.
Because I located my "cut with relations" from the coordinate system it
created three additional pieces of reference geometry on top of the
system for each Cut that will control the location. It also placed them
before each of the cuts (see history tree). Apparently it created
extra pieces of ref geometry in previous releases but placed them in a
different location.
Every thing is ok at this point, if I change the location of the
coord system, the two cuts will keep its relationship according to it,
is what we want.
Now, if I decide to delete the first Cut (Pattern 9) from the part, it
me a warning that it is also going to change the 3 pieces of reference
geometry for the second cut to Key-In, thus making my second cut not
located in relation to the second coord system anymore. If I then
modify the
coord system location, the second cut will not update its location.
Now I have to go and delete then re-add my relations for the second cut
if I
want them to keep the correct design intent. Thats great.
Anyone else seeing this? Have any bright ideas to fix this.
Seems like one more great enhancement that broke something else.
Randy Stucke
Minster Machine Co.
Minster, Ohio |