Maximum injection pressure (at 2.495 s) = 58.7216 MPa
End of filling phase results summary :
Time at the end of filling = 2.6503 s
Total weight (part + runners) = 1085.4900 g
Maximum Clamp force - during filling = 303.8923 tonne
Recommended ram speed profile (rel):
% stroke % speed
0.0000 16.7004
10.0000 38.5031
20.0000 56.9507
30.0000 80.6993
40.0000 93.6967
50.0000 100.0000
60.0000 95.6350
70.0000 80.8437
80.0000 54.4960
90.0000 37.1491
100.0000 16.4176
Melt front is entirely in the cavity at % fill = 0.0000 %
Filling phase results summary for the part :
Bulk temperature - maximum (at 2.506 s) = 239.1300 C
Bulk temperature - 95th percentile (at 2.495 s) = 234.4640 C
Bulk temperature - 5th percentile (at 2.650 s) = 213.9580 C
Bulk temperature - minimum (at 2.650 s) = 73.5270 C
Shear rate - maximum (at 1.844 s) = 3.4725E+04 1/s Shear rate - 95th percentile (at 0.116 s) = 6074.2798 1/s
End of filling phase results summary for the part :
Total part weight (excluding runners) = 1085.4900 g
Bulk temperature - maximum = 237.8060 C
Bulk temperature - 95th percentile = 233.5700 C
Bulk temperature - 5th percentile = 213.9610 C
Bulk temperature - minimum = 73.5270 C
Bulk temperature - average = 222.6170 C
Bulk temperature - root-mean-square deviation = 10.9694 C
Peak pressure - minimum (at 0.000 s) = 0.0000 MPa
Clamp force - maximum (at 4.560 s) = 437.2186 tonne
Total weight - maximum (at 12.060 s) = 1173.6900 g
End of packing phase results summary :
Time at the end of packing = 32.6548 s
Total weight (part + runners) = 1170.8200 g
Packing phase results summary for the part :
Bulk temperature - maximum (at 2.650 s) = 237.8010 C
Bulk temperature - 95th percentile (at 2.650 s) = 233.5710 C
Bulk temperature - 5th percentile (at 32.655 s) = 53.7600 C
Bulk temperature - minimum (at 26.905 s) = 50.0000 C
Total part weight - maximum (at 12.060 s) = 1173.6900 g
End of packing phase results summary for the part :
Total part weight (excluding runners) = 1170.8200 g
Bulk temperature - maximum = 94.5460 C
Bulk temperature - 95th percentile = 65.2840 C
Bulk temperature - 5th percentile = 53.7600 C
Bulk temperature - minimum = 50.0000 C
Bulk temperature - average = 60.3300 C
Bulk temperature - root-mean-square deviation = 3.2764 C
Sink index - maximum = 0.4774 %
Sink index - 95th percentile = -1.2167E-05 %
Sink index - minimum = -0.0282 %
Sink index - root-mean-square deviation = 0.1175 %
Preparing interface data...
Preparing PPC file for cooling analysis...
Preparing LSP file for warpage analysis...
Finished preparing the interface data