9版本的改这个地方,以下 红色的为改好后的语句。
prapidout #Output to NC of linear movement - rapid
pcan1, pbld, n, sgplane, *sgcode, sgabsinc, pccdia,
pxout, pyout, pzout, pcout, strcantext, scoolant, e
plinout #Output to NC of linear movement - feed
pcan1, pbld, n, sgfeed, sgplane, *sgcode, sgabsinc, pccdia,
pxout, pyout, pzout, pcout, feed, strcantext, scoolant, e
pcirout #Output to NC of circular interpolation
pcan1, pbld, n, `sgfeed, sgplane, *sgcode, sgabsinc, pccdia,
pxout, pyout, pzout, pcout, parc, feed, strcantext, scoolant, e |