extern int uc1616 (
char * cp1,
int * ia2,
int ip3,
double * rr4 );
char * cp1 Input User Message (40 char max)
int * ia2 Input/Output On input the default selection type and offset mode. On output
the selection type and offset mode used.
[0] Selection Type
0 = Show Menu For User Selection
1 = Screen Position
2 = This value is ignored.
3 = This value is ignored.
4 = Existing Point
5 = End Point
6 = Control Point
7 = Intersection Point
8 = Arc Center
9 = Pos On Arc
10 = This value is ignored.
11 = Intersection Point
12 = Quadrant Point
13 = Point on curve/Edge
14 = Point on Surface
15 = This value is ignored.
16 = Cursor Location
17 = This value is ignored.
[1] Offset Mode
0 = No Offset
1 = Rect Abs
2 = This value is ignored.
3 = Cylindrical
4 = Spherical
5 = 3D Vector
6 = 3D Vector
int ip3 Input Temporary Point Display
0 = Display Temporary Points
1 = Do Not Display Temporary
double * rr4 Output Point Picked (x,y,z). This is only returned if the return
code is 5.
最后一个参数 double *rr4便是得到的坐标值