:CoCreate 公司簡介?
:CoCreate是由私募基金所持有的產品設計軟體(CAD/PLM)公司。目前在高科技電子及精密機械產業中,擁有超過5,000家的客戶。CoCreate 的軟體協助這些客戶快速靈活的完成產品開發設計流程。CoCreate 是當今世界第一的直覺式設計模型建構軟體 (動態模型技術) 的供應商。CoCreate 在最近12個月的營業額是8,000萬美金,營業利益率是40%,目前在全球員工280人,在多個國家設有分公司。
English :
Q: Who is CoCreate ?
A: CoCreate Software is a privately held provider of PLM and CAD software. Over 5,000 manufacturing companies, predominantly in the high-tech and electronics and heavy machinery industries, depend on CoCreate in order to achieve speed and flexibility in their design processes. CoCreate is the world’s #1 provider of explicit modeling based software. CoCreate generated approximately $80 million of revenue during the last 12-months with operating margins of about 40%. CoCreate has 280 employees in offices around the world.
English :
Q: What are the financial terms of the transaction?
A: PTC plans to finance the acquisition with a combination of cash and debt, using part of its existing credit facility. The transaction value of $250 million represents 3.1x revenue, 4.6x maintenance revenue and 7.4x non-GAAP operating income (all based on last twelve months).
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Q: When is the acquisition expected to close?
A: PTC expects the acquisition to close by the end of December 2007, subject to customary conditions including regulatory approval.
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Q: Why is PTC acquiring CoCreate?
A: PTC is constantly evaluating opportunities to expand our solutions offerings and accelerate growth and profitability. This acquisition is compelling both strategically and financially.
營運策略 — 經過此次併購,PTC將成為市場上唯一能夠供應完整的產品設計解決方案的廠商,提供給客戶選擇設計模型建構的最佳方式(參數式、直覺式、衍生式及二維)。併購之後,PTC的產品開發系統(PDS)產品系列,將增加一個立即可用的CAD產品線,能夠配合客戶慣用的設計技法,讓產品開發流程更加合理化。同時PTC也計畫將既有的產品提供給CoCreate的客戶,這將為客戶帶來更多的價值,也為PTC創造更多的營收。此外,將強化PTC在高科技電子與工業產品等關鍵產業之地位,尤其在日本與歐洲地區。
English :
Strategic Fit: Through this acquisition, PTC will become the only vendor in the market to offer a full complement of design solutions, allowing customers to select the modeling approach that best suits their application (parametric, explicit, derived and 2D). The acquisition broadens the PTC Product Development System with plug-and-play CAD capabilities to optimize product development processes using the customer’s preferred modeling technique. PTC plans to offer complementary PTC solutions to CoCreate’s 2D and 3D CAD customers. This should bring value to CoCreate’s customers and revenue opportunity to PTC. Additionally, the acquisition strengthens PTC’s presence in key industries (electronics and high tech and industrial products), as well as key geographies (Europe and Japan).
財務收入 — 此次併購案,將幫助PTC達成長期的營運成長與獲利的目標。PTC相信此次交易勢必是一個令人注目的增加獲利的機會。併購程序完成PTC會提供更詳盡的訊息。
English :
Financial Fit: This acquisition supports PTC’s long-term revenue growth and operating margin goals. PTC believes that the transaction provides a compelling earnings and operating margin accretion opportunity. PTC will provide detailed guidance upon the close of the acquisition.
English :
Q: Why is this good for CoCreate customers?
A: PTC will make the satisfaction of CoCreate customers a major focus. CoCreate customers should feel confident that they will benefit from PTC’s scale, leading market presence, industry expertise and financial strength. Customers will have the flexibility to use CoCreate products stand-alone, or to complement them with the PTC Product Development System. The PDS offers best-in-class capabilities, including engineering calculations, dynamic publishing, visualization, high speed machining and content and process management, designed to work together as an integral system to optimize product development processes and ultimately achieve business value. This should help CoCreate customers make the most of their existing investment in CoCreate products.
Q: How will this acquisition affect the development of CoCreate’s product line?
A: PTC is committed to protecting the investment that has been made in CoCreate solutions. PTC plans to maintain and continue to develop and enhance CoCreate’s products. CoCreate products will become a new product family within PTC. PTC plans to make CoCreate’s CAD applications a component of PTC’s PDS, helping to optimize CoCreate customers’ product development processes by taking advantage of complementary PTC products.
English :
Q: Who should customers or partners contact if they have questions about the acquisition?
A: PTC and CoCreate have a comprehensive communications program for both companies’ customers and partners. If after reviewing the information posted on both companies’ websites and other communications you have remaining questions, please contact your current PTC or CoCreate account representative.
若您有任何疑問,也可參考PTC官方網站說明: www.ptc.com ; 或下載原問答集.
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2007-04-01 : OneSpace Personal Edition 個人免費版安裝註冊指南 [PDF] 。[Download Here] |