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CAD/CAM/CAE/设计/模具 高清视频【积分说明】如何快速获得积分?快速3D打印 手板模型CNC加工服务在线3D打印服务,上传模型,自动报价
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[分享] 塑胶模具项目工程相关

发表于 2008-4-26 21:20:38 | 只看该作者
来点猛料! 大家顶的多了,还有哦........

Project Engineer Responsibilities
1) Kick off meeting—with sales eng., QC, design engineer
•        FOT setting
•        Get customer information
•        Discuss the tool making and possible problems
•        Discuss the design and the product problems
•        Discuss the tolerance and product dimension problems

2) Project schedule
•        Base on the FOT day to arrange the project schedule
•        Plan the time for tool processing
•        Make sure all stage could under control within schedule
•        Warn the unclear and without control stage to project manager

3) Design review
•        Review the design with DM, designer, sales engineer, QC, and project engineer
•        Discuss the tool design problem with DM and designer
•        Record all the modification in the tool
•        Checking the modification is done or not

4) IPR, 2D drawing for Rough-cut and BOM
•        Check the material have the stock or not in the store
•        Request designer to release the IPR for ordering the cavity, core and main insert material (if necessary)
•        Ask for designer to release the reference 2D drawing for rough-cut (if necessary)
•        Follow up the rough-cut process and make sure it could have Heat treatment within 1-2 days (After design review)
•        Make sure the BOM can release on time which for mold base, hot runner (if include), and other insert’s material ordering

5) Projects follow up

Step 1 (with engine team)
•        Follow up all 2D drawing could release before the material return from heat treatment
•        Cooperate with Engineering department for CAM design and the day complete

Step 2 (grinding)
•        Make sure the relate insert could complete on time in grinding process

Step 3 (Project follow up (WC, NC, EDM))
•        Make sure the relate insert could complete on time in WC, NC, EDM process

Step 4 (Fitting)
•        Make sure all parts can attend to fitting department on time
•        Cooperate with fitting department and review the parts. (Whether need to re- process, re- work or not)

Step 5 (Critical dimension checking (steel))
•        Check the steel dimension (such as #31, #32, and other important parts)
•        Keep record for the cavity (Overall length and width)
•        The above of process is followed by QC engineer
•        PE make sure it is happen

Step 6 (Mold trial preparing)
•        Prepare MTR for FOT and re-trial
•        Prepare the product dimension record for operator to measure the critical dimension for mold trial process
•        Plan the mold trial day (FOT trial and debug process)

Step 7 (Mold trial)
•        Attend the mold trial and review the molding process
•        Check the product cosmetic and tooling action is normal or not during the period of mold trial
•        Mold performance report (MPR) will also given out by the mold trial team

6) Debugging—after the first mold trial

The samples from each mold trial should be collected and send to QC department for checking the dimension. Project engineer also need to check the performance of the trial sample and write down the problem in the Mold modification form and send it to the production team for tool modification.
After the sample checking by QC, QC report will release. Project engineer need to check which dimension of the sample is out of the tolerance and point out that particular steel dimension.

Further explanation
Mold modification form (work with production department)
•        Checking the sample after the mold trial
•        Make sure the sample is same as 3D model
•        Release the mold modification form after every mold trial
•        Point out the product problem and suggest the tool modification

Sample checking (work with QC)
•        Checking the sample QC report
•        Point out the steel dimension for this out-tol.
•        Cooperate with QC and check the steel dimension (see need to re-work or re-process or not)

How to due with the problem in the sample?

1) Mold trial review meeting

After T1, PE need to hold this meeting with designer, sales and QC engineer to discuss the product defect and mold action during the mold trial and then to discuss the solution to solve the problem

2) The most common method for solving the problem in the sample
•        Fitting, welding, 番EDM, 省模, Re-make item….

Document Structure in PE department

1.Job schedule
2.Kick off meeting
3.Product dimension record
4.Product problem
6.Tool problem

1. Job Schedule
•        Release to Design, Quality and Sales Engineers
•        Internal FOT

2. Kick off Meeting
•        Recorded by Sales Engineers and need to file to the document in PE department

3. Product Dimension Record
•        Release by Project Engineers
•        Attach with the MTR for measurements during mold trial

4. Product Problem
•        A list of soft copies of “Mold Modification Request” (修改模具指示) of each mold trial

5. Sub-contractor
•        Details (e.g. Emails) or photos of sub-contract items

6. Tool Problem
Record down all the changes on the tool
•        Re-make item
•        Welding
•        Plug
•        W insert
•        Chrome plating
•        Manifold problem
发表于 2008-4-26 21:29:51 | 只看该作者
再来一个, 我在上家公司的项目流程:

1. 收到PO后,联系客户了解新项目的所有要求(模具标准,产品要求等),跟客户检讨产品;
2. 安排设计模图,审核模图,发给客户确认;
3. 客户确认模图后安排模具结构评审会,下发模具生产通知单;
4. 跟进模具制作进度,向客户发送周进度表和进度照片汇报实际加工进度,协助客户实地解决模具制造过程中出现的问题;
5. 整备试模胶料并参与试模,分析解决试模中的问题,提出修改模方案;
6. 检验塑胶产品发送T1样品给客户;
7. 验收模具,整理走模资料,安排走模事宜;
8. 处理客户投诉.
发表于 2008-4-26 21:49:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-26 21:54:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-26 21:56:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 13:00:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 13:20:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 13:28:10 | 只看该作者
原帖由 hdy-123456 于 2008-4-27 13:00 发表

发表于 2008-4-27 18:31:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 18:51:26 | 只看该作者
原帖由 shame467 于 2008-4-27 18:31 发表

也可以的, 看自己了!

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