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WARNING 701360 ** Beam element 3865 has a very bad length/diameter ratio
** WARNING 701360 ** Beam element 3866 has a very bad length/diameter ratio
** WARNING 701380 ** Warnings were reported in the model
Check the mesh quality of the model
** WARNING 701360 ** Beam element 3865 has a very bad length/diameter ratio
** WARNING 701360 ** Beam element 3866 has a very bad length/diameter ratio
** WARNING 701380 ** Warnings were reported in the model
Check the mesh quality of the model
Total Mbytes required for cooling analysis = 24.88
Total Mbytes available for cooling analysis = 1468.03
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 670 and 3807 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 695 and 3693 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 1362 and 1388 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 2334 and 2345 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 2356 and 3694 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 2358 and 2360 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 2363 and 3725 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
** WARNING 702352 ** Element 2374 and 2376 are overlapping or too
close. The analysis may not be able to resolve these
problem elements during analysis. It is recommended
that you improve the mesh in the region of these
elements. |