1. NC DATA 传送
[$#61548] 与控制轴和主轴相关的NC data
[$#61550] 绝对位置Absolute position
[$#61550] 相对位置Relative position
[$#61550] 机械位置Machine position
[$#61550] 剩余移动量Distance to go
[$#61550] 实际进给速度Actual federate
[$#61548] NC program
[$#61548] NC program Direction information of tape memory
[$#61548] NC program NC file data
[$#61550] 参数Parameter
[$#61550] 刀具偏置值Tool offset value
[$#61550] 用户宏变量Custom macro variable
[$#61550] 工件远点偏移Work piece origin offset
[$#61550] 设定值Setting data
[$#61550] 代码宏变量P-code macro variable
[$#61550] 螺补数据Pitch error compensation data
[$#61548] 刀具寿命管理数据 Tool life management data
[$#61548] 历史记录 History data
[$#61550] 操作历史记录Operation history data
[$#61550] 报警历史记录Alarm history data
[$#61548] 伺服和主轴相关数据 Data related to servo and spindle
[$#61548] 波形诊断数据Data related to waveform diagnosis
[$#61548] 模态数据 Modal data
[$#61548] 诊断数据 diagnosis Data
[$#61548] A/D 转换参数 A/D conversion parameter
[$#61548] 报警信息Deletion of NC program Alarm information
[$#61548] 系统识别信息 NC system-identifying information
[$#61548] MC data
[$#61550] Address G,F,Y,X,A,R,T,K,C,D
[$#61550] Extended maintenance type data
2. 远程控制
[$#61548] 选择 NC program
[$#61548] 删除 NC program
[$#61548] 外部复位External reset
3. 操作
4. DNC 加工
5.其它 |