Answers To Last Week's Question
We are using an AMD 1800MHz CPU with 2GB of DDR memory and an ELSA Gloria 3 graphics card on an ABIT KR7 motherboard and a U160 SCSI HD. But the system (with the latest Pro/E build) crashes often. I've tried everything with a PTC support employee, but the problem remains unsolved. After it crashes, an std.err fill is created by Pro/E with the message "RAISING SIGNAL : Signal number : 11". Does anyone else have this problem with AMD CPUs, ELSA Gloria 3 cards, DDR memory or ABIT KR7 mainboards?
--Martin de Bruin, engineer, Asco Controls, The Netherlands
We have same problem on one of our machines with a Win2k, CPU-P4 1.8 motherboard - ASUS P4T-E, RAM - 1GB RDRAM 800 and graphics card - 3Dlabs Oxygen GVX1. I also would be thankful for any suggestions.
--Leonid Gurevich, mold designer and Pro/E administrator, Plasson Ltd., Israel
You should look at the ELSA driver version. We have found it useful, for our ELSA Gloria 3s (nVidia Quadro 2 Pro), to use the NVIDIA driver build 21.86. for Windows 2000/XP.
--James Jarosz, CAD systems administrator, Fisher Dynamics, St. Clair Shores, MI
Yes, we have had the same problem and there could be different reasons and solutions. For example:
Compatibility problems with the motherboard and the SCSI controller. Try to update BIOS on the controller and on the motherboard.
If you are using more than a 2RAM socket for the DDR memory, it must be registered to work. Try to remove some of the memory chips with Pro/E to see if the problem continues.
Timing for the memory. In the BIOS there are adjustments that have to match the timings on the memory chips.
--Jan Mahler
This is really a technical support question best answered by PTC's tech support department, but I will try to help. Without knowing what OS you use, it is hard to determine the issue. When my customers encountered the Raising Signal 11 error, the issue often was resolved by changing the graphics settings to win32_gdi in config.pro. (If you are not familiar with config.pro options, refer to the following file: \html\usascii\proe\core\about_c0.htm in the pro e documentation.) Many users prefer not to use win32_gdi mode, especially when they have purchased a quality graphics card like the Gloria III. But if changing to win32_gdi resolves the issue, then you know that it is a graphics issue and can try to find a more suitable driver that will not crash Pro/E. You also may want to turn your graphics acceleration down (on 9.x-based systems, go to Control Panel >System Properties > erformance Tab >Graphics. On NT-based systems, go to Control panel >Display Properties >Advanced >Troubleshooting Tab) to none. This has solved many graphics issues, especially those on 9.x platforms.
--Allen Andersen, product support specialist, Journey Education Marketing, Dallas, TX |