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UF_MODL_replace_features_t *replm_map=NULL;//帮助写可为输入/输出参数,我作为输入,不知道正确与否
int n_replm_map;//
errorCode = UF_MODL_replace_features(&first_element,1,&second_element,1,true,true,&replm_map,&n_replm_map);
This function replaces the features in original_features[] by the
features in replacement_features[] or the copies of features in
replacement_features[] if original_features[] are features on bodies,
curve features and datum features. The children of the original_features[]
will be reparented to the replacement_features[] or copies.
The original features will be deleted.
original_features[] can contain: features on the same body, curve features,
datum plane and datum axis features.
replacement_features[] must contain: features on other bodies (if
original_features[] contains features on a body), other curve features
(if original_features[] contains curve features) and other datum plane
and other datum axis features (if original_features[] contains datum plane
or datum axis features).
Note that original_features[] and replacement_features[] must contain
features that are in the same part file. Also, for features on a body, the
parents of each of the features in replacement_features[] must be either
another feature in the replacement_features[] or must be a feature which
is before the earliest feature in the original_features[].
parent_map[] maps entities created by the original_features[] to the
corresponding entities on the replacement_features[]. In addition to the
original_features[] and replacement_features[] you will have to provide a map
of edges and faces on the original_features[] to the corresponding edges and
faces of the replacement_features[].
You will specify the map as a array of objects of type
UF_MODL_replace_features_t described below. The children of the
original_features[] will be reparented to copies of the corresponding
entities on the replacement_features[] that are specified in the parent_map[].
Calling this function with return_map as true does not perform the replacement
but returns a parent_map[] each of whose original_entity elements are edges
and faces created by original_features[]. Only those edges and faces that are
parents of downstream features are returned in the parent_map[]. The
replacement_entity elements of all the structures in the parent_map[] are 0.
You will have to assign the appropriate replacement_entity for each of
the structures returned in the parent_map[] before calling this function with
return_map as false to perform the actual replace.
tag_t * | original_features | Input | Array of features to replace | int | n_original_features | Input | number of original_features | tag_t * | replacement_features | Input | Array of replacement features | int | n_replm_features | Input | number of replacement_features | logical | return_map | Input | return_map = true - return in
parent_map[] the edges and faces created
by the original_features[] which have to
be mapped to the corresponding edges and
faces on the replacement_features[]
return_map = false - perform the replace | logical | use_copy_of_replacement | Input | use_copy_of_replacement = false -
Use the replacement features directly to
replace the original features
use_copy_of_replacement = true - Copy
the replacement features and use the copy
of the replacement feature to replace the
original features | UF_MODL_replace_features_t * * | parent_map | Input / Output | Map of edges and faces
created by the
original_features[] to
corresponding edges and faces
on the replacement_features[] | int * | n_parent_map | Input / Output | number of elements in (parent_map)[] |