The MSVCDir environment variable is not defined
This variable is necessary only when using uflink or starting up Studio
from this window. You must modify the ufvars.bat file to define this.
C:\Documents and Settings\Johnnie>CD\
D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0\UGII>cd.
D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0\UGII>cd..
D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0>cd ugopen
D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0\UGOPEN>nxsign d:\nx5_sign.dll
Reserving c_p_p_author license.
Signing files...
Opening file, d:\nx5_sign.dll for reading failed.
Releasing c_p_p_author license.
D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0\UGOPEN>
The MSVCDir environment variable is not defined
This variable is necessary only when using uflink or starting up Studio
from this window. You must modify the ufvars.bat file to define this.
The MSVCDir environment variable is not defined
This variable is necessary only when using uflink or starting up Studio
from this window. You must modify the ufvars.bat file to define this.
The MSVCDir environment variable is not defined
This variable is necessary only when using uflink or starting up Studio
from this window. You must modify the ufvars.bat file to define this.