Date revised - April 28, 2002
#Current version MOLDPLUS V9.09.28 //04-25-2002
10000. "Select an option"
10001. "Select a curve"
10002. "Select a surface"
10003. "Select the edge"
10004. "Impossible to project onto a parallel plane"
10005. "Enter the offset distance: "
10006. "Creating parting lines "
10007. " in direction "
10008. " Offset distance= "
10009. " Draft angle= "
10010. "Offset distance from base curve: "
10011. "Select a surface near the edge"
10012. "Give the angle from the normal: "
10013. "Select a curve on the surface"
10014. "Give the chordal tolerance:"
10015. "Select plane position defined by a point "
10016. "Creating X section normal to: "
10017. "Select surface for plane position "
10018. "Cutting plane normal to: "
10019. "Select side to keep "
10020. "Select point to project "
10021. "Give angular tolerance for constant slope"
10022. "Trim along X section normal to: "
10025. "Indicate the side of the Mold Base"
10026. "Creating parting surface until "
10027. "Creation of CORNER parting surfaces"
10028. " or change the selection mode"
10029. " Angle of tilt relative to the normal= "
10031. "Enter the Positive(+) or Negative(-) direction/distance between each section: "
10032. "Enter the number of sections: "
10033. "Select the first direction point "
10034. "Select the second direction point "
10036. "Creating parting surface/s out to indicated side of mold base"
10037. "Attention: Set CPlane to the mold pull direction (normally TOP) !"
10038. "Indicate the side of the Mold Base before selecting create origin !"
10040. "Test on surface edge fitting "
10044. "Test on surface edge fitting, debug commands "
10045. "Select a chain of curves"
10046. "Select a chain of curves on the surface "
10047. "Indicate coincident edge of Reference Surface #1 "
10048. "Indicate coincident edge of Reference Surface #2 "
10049. "from surface edge(s)"
10050. "Selected edges are not connected"
10051. "This Reference edge is not valid"
10052. "Indicate Corner parting surface(s) origin(s)"
10053. "Creating parting surface to CPlane in "
10054. "Creation of parting surface tangent to the edge "
10055. "Give an overlap gap"
10070. "Old Level 1"
10072. "Not active"
10073. "Enter your access code"
10074. "Access code already entered"
10075. "Access code not valid"
10076. "Access code correct"
10077. ""
10100. "Access code file MOLDPLUS.ACC for Level 1 not found"
10101. "Access code not valid for Sim: "
10105. "Save your part before trimming !! "
10115. "roject point in direction"
10116. " of the graphic view"
10117. " of the construction plane"
10118. " of the surface's normal"
10120. "MAXITRIM found "
10121. " complex surface(s) that can not be trimmed automatically."
10122. "Give the remaining outside color or 0 to remove"
10130. "Moldplus: Arc/lines Edges in 3D"
10132. "Moldplus: Draft angle analysis"
10133. "Moldplus: Solid Sep"
10134. "Moldplus: Split/delete Zones"
10135. "Moldplus: Arc/lines Creation"
10136. "Moldplus: Hatch crossing creation"
10137. "Moldplus: Auto Partsurf"
10138. "Moldplus: KnockOut"
10150. "Give the offset value"
10151. "Give the gap to merge the surfaces "
10152. "Give the max Z gap"
10153. "SFR" (for Square Flat Round)
10154. "CG" (for Copper Graphite)
10170. "Create electrode"
10171. "Define a localization point for a manual electrode insertion"
10172. "Job List - Info and coordinates of Electrodes"
10173. "File STD_ELEC.TXT not found "
10174. "Define/Locate the standard electrode directory "
10175. "File STD_ELEC.TXT not found "
10176. "Select (or click on Cancel) a base for the standard electrode"
10177. "Confirm/Write the file name to the new standard"
10178. "Select or create the job directory"
10179. "Select the Standard Electrode database file"
10180. "Select or create the standard files directory"
10181. "Select or create the base files directory"
10182. "Give a position to enlarge the rough stock (or Escape)"
10185. "Holder is inside the part!!!"
10186. "This electrode is too short and the holder"
10187. "interferes with the part. You should Undo it"
10188. "and create/insert an electrode that fits.[end]"
10210. " Moldplus X Sections"
10211. "junction's distance is/are more than"
10212. "Max distance found = "
10214. "Select the contour entities"
10215. "Draw the contour by points. Escape when done"
10216. "Side to keep"
10217. "Indicate the First Zone"
10220. "Select entity for Undo "
10221. "Select the arrow head as normal direction"
10223. "Moldplus Maxitrim"
10224. "Contour is not valid"
10225. "Contain self intersection(s)[end]"
10230. "Give the min angle"
10231. "Give the max angle"
10232. "Min angle= "
10233. "; Max angle= "
10234. "; Angular tolerance= "
10235. "; Chordal tolerance= "
10239. "TestBrother"
10240. "You must set a color that is different from "
10241. " the current color to see the brother surfaces[end]"
10248. "Select the next corner"
10249. "Select the last corner"
10250. "Select the outer edges to fill"
10251. "Select the first corner"
10252. "You must select the outer edges/gap"
10253. "Select the main surface or click on Escape"
10254. "Select a surface to merge to the main surface or click on Escape"
10255. "The surfaces do not share the same base surface"
10256. "The points are not on different surfaces"
10257. "Select a new surface to split a loop or click on Escape"
10258. "Select the start UV split position on the loop"
10259. "Select the end UV split position on the same loop"
10260. "Select a surface to find its brother surfaces or choose another option"
10261. "Number of surfaces sharing the same/identical base = "
10262. "Select a surface loop to extend or click on Escape"
10263. "Select the start corner"
10264. "Select the end corner"
10265. "Choose the first seed surface to extract an electrode"
10266. "Select an option"
10267. "Calculating the topology of the geometry..."
10268. "Select a seed surface, choose an option or ESC/Backup to MAKE or Insert electrode"
10269. "Choose a surface that will NOT be a part of the selected surfaces"
10270. "Select a surface to add without propagation"
10271. "Choose a surface to remove from the selection"
10272. "Select a seed surface to merge with its brother or choose an option"
10273. "Cleaning the surfaces"
10274. "reparation of the Electrode"
10275. "OK to Save this rough stock as a standard electrode?"
10277. "reparing the Collision Test..."
10278. "Dragging the electrode"
10279. "Drag the electrode"
10280. "Move the Electrode"
10281. "Enter the step value (for move operation)"
10282. "Enter the new electrode angle"
10283. "Job List update"
10284. "Do you want to save the new electrode?"
10285. " information into the Job List ? [end]"
10286. "Date, Time"
10287. "Job Name"
10288. "Job Directory"
10289. "Electrode Filename"
10290. "Standard Used"
10291. "Electrode Nominal Position"
10292. "Level in part file"
10293. "MC9 File of Origin"
10294. "Electrode Compensated Length"
10297. " Select the line to rotate to X axis"
10298. "Save the new electrode"
10299. "Get the standard description file"
10300. "Moldplus Electrode design"
10301. "Give the standard description file"
10302. "S: " (surface prefix for naming reference surfaces level)
10303. "E: " (electrode prefix for naming standard electrode level)
10304. "Rotate"
10305. "Define a Job Name"
10306. "The %s directory does not exist. Do you want to create it?"
10307. "Select the start point"
10308. "Select the target point"
10309. "Directory creation failed"
10310. "Translate All"
10311. "Select the target point"
10312. "Save in the original file"
10313. "The electrode name is already used"
10314. "Select the Point as Rotation Center"
10315. "Job List"
10316. "The Job List does not exist until you create/save the first electrode"
10317. "You must insert an electrode before saving!"
10318. "Electrode not saved!"
10319. "If you quit Moldplus, the electrode will be lost!"
10320. "This electrode is already saved"
10321. "Select an electrode by Element or an Option"
10330. "Group"
10331. "Sub-Group"
10332. "Comment"
10333. "Level Name"
10334. "N/A"
10335. "Standard Nominal Size"
10336. "No Name"
10338. "Electrode Name"
10339. "Electrode Type"
10340. "Minimum Electrode Dimensions"
10341. "Standard Dimensions"
10342. "Electrode Lowest Z point"
10343. "Material Type"
10344. "unused"
10345. "unused"
10346. "unused"
11661. ""
menu 1000 {
"MOLDPLUS. Productivity Tools for Mastercam: ","&arting","&Cut_and_Slice","&Edges",
"&Views","S&tk_Elctrd","&Draft Angle","Electrode&MKR","&AskBox","&Solid Sep","&Help"}
menu 1001 {
"ARTING - Parting Operations: ","&Partline","Part &Surf" ,"&Moldlocks",
menu 1002 {
"CUT & SLICE - Cutting and slicing Operations: ","&X section","&Plane-trim" ,"&Zig-Zag",
"Zone &Split","Zone &Delete","","","","","&Help"}
menu 1003 {
"EDGES - Edges Operations: ","&2D Project","&3D Edges" ,"&Drill Ctrs",
"&Planar Edges","","","","","","&Help"}
menu 1004 {
"DRAFT ANGLES - Draft angle shown by colors ","&Settings","" ,"&Do it",
menu 1005 {
"Zone Split ","&Settings","" ,"&Do it",
(xsection *********************************************************)
menu 1010 {
"XSECTION - Create Section Lines: ","&Settings","&Direction","",
"&All Surfs" ,"S&ingle" ,"&Pt on Surf","&Multiple" ,"&Undo Last","U&ndo All","&Help"}
menu 1011 {
"Create section curves relative to the following direction: ","&Side(X)","&Front(Y)","&Top(Z)" ,
"&CPlane","&2 pts","","","","",""}
menu 1012 {
"Create section curves by point on surf ","&Settings","&Direction" ,"Seldi&r" ,
"" ,"" ,"&Undo Last","Undo &All","U&ndo Sel","",""}
(comment lines for menu 1011)
12112. "X"
12113. "Y"
12114. "Z"
12115. "CPlane"
12116. "2 pts"
12117. "Last Sel"
12118. ""
12119. ""
12120. ""
12121. ""
(menu partline *********************************************)
menu 1030 {
"PARTLINE - Create Multi-Surface Parting Lines: ","&Direction","An&gle","&Tolerance",
"Do &All","&Single","","&Chg +/- ","&Undo","Undo &All","&Help"}
menu 1031 {
"Create Parting Lines in the following direction: ","&X","&Y","&Z" ,
"CP &Norm","&Chg +/- ","&2 pts","","","",""}
(comment lines for menu 1001)
12332. "X "
12333. "Y "
12334. "Z "
12335. "CPlane "
12336. ""
12337. "2 pts "
12338. ""
12339. ""
12340. ""
12341. ""
12011. "of the selected surface's normal
(menu partsurf *******************************************************)
menu 1040 {
"PARTSURF - Creates Parting Surface: ","&Mold Edge","&Corner","C&Plane",
"&Offset","&Ext Edge","&Auto","","O&verlap","&Tolerance","&Help"}
menu 1041 {
"Create Parting Surface in the following direction: ","&X","&Y","&Z" ,
"&CP Norm","C&hg +/- ","&2 pts","&Normal","","",""}
menu 1042 {
"PARTSURF - Creates Parting Surface: ","&Direction","","&Edgesurf",
"&Surf+Edge","Cur&ve","&Chain Curv","Ch&g +/- ","&Undo","Undo &All","&Help"}
menu 1043 {
"Create Parting Surface until: ","&Mold edge","C&Plane","&Corner" ,
menu 1044 {
"","","&Flip result","",
menu 1045 {
"PARTSURF - Creates Parting Surface by sides: ","&Mold side","","",
"&Edgesurf","&Surf+Edge","Cur&ve","&Chain Curv","&Undo","Undo &All","&Help"}
menu 1046 {
"PARTSURF - Create CORNER parting surfaces ","","","",
menu 1047 {
"PARTSURF - Creation of parting surface out to active construction plane ","&Direction","","&Edgesurf",
"&Surf+Edge","Cur&ve","&Chain Curv","","&Undo","Undo &All","&Help"}
menu 1048 {
"Create Parting Surface in the following direction: ","&X","&Y","&Z" ,
"&CP Norm","","&2 pts","&Normal","","",""}
menu 1049 {
"PARTSURF - Creation of parting surface tangent to the edge ","","","&Edgesurf",
"&Surf+Edge","","","Ch&g +/- ","&Undo","Undo &All","&Help"}
menu 1050 {
"PARTSURF - Create CORNER parting surfaces ","","","",
"&Edgesurf","&Surf+Edge","Cur&ve","&Chain Curv","","&Undo","&Help"}
menu 1100 {
"PARTSURF - AutoPartSurf ",
"Settings","&Stock Lim","","Create&1","Create&2","","","","&Undo","&Help"}
12350. "Select the raw contour"
(comment lines for menu 1041)
12442. "X "
12443. "Y "
12444. "Z "
12445. "CP "
12446. ""
12447. "2 pts "
12448. "Surf Norm "
12449. "Edge Norm "
12450. " "
12451. " "
(comment lines for menu 1043)
12464. "Mold Side"
12465. ""
12466. "CPlane"
12467. "Offset"
12468. "Position"
12469. ""
12470. ""
12471. ""
12472. ""
12473. ""
menu 1051 {
"Create Trimming Plane relative to the: ","Side(&X)","Front(&Y)","Top(&Z)" ,
(comment lines for menu 1051)
12552. "X "
12553. "Y "
12554. "Z "
12555. "CP "
12556. ""
12557. ""
12558. ""
12559. ""
12560. ""
12561. ""
(menu maxtrim ***********************************************)
menu 1052 {
"MAXITRIM - Trim Multi-Surfaces by a plane: ","&Direction","","",
"&All Surfs","&Single","","&Pt on Surf","","&Tolerance","&Help"}
(moldlock messages)
13122. "Creating mold locks "
13123. "Creating corner mold lock "
13124. "(positive) "
13125. "(negative) "
13126. "Select the first line (along length) near the corner "
13127. "Select the second line (along width) near the corner at 90 degrees from previous "
13128. "Creating side mold lock "
13129. "Select the symmetrical line "
13130. "Select the edge line for the location of Side Lock "
13131. "Error: the lines are not perpendicular "
13132. "Error: the lines are not on the same plane "
13133. "Maximum allowed fillet radius = "
13134. "To increase desired fillet radius, you must first increase the corner radius or reduce the draft angle"
13135. "You did not respect the maximum allowable fillet radius of "
menu 1200 {
"Mold Locks Creation","&Settings","","",
"&Undo Last","Undo &All","","","","","&Help"}
(KnockOut Menu)
menu 1201 {
"KnockOut Creation","&Settings","S&elect","","&Redo last",
"&Undo Last","Undo &All","","","&Demo","&Help"}
(Core /cave *************************************)
menu 1060 {
"Moldplus. Core & Cavity separation:","Se&ttings","","&Do it","",
"&Open/Close","&Move Undef.","","&Undo","&Redo","&Help"}