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发表于 2010-7-17 21:03:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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研究生(英文姓名):Bo -Hsun Yen
英文論文名稱:Model develOPMent and Analysis for the Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge
指導教授(英文姓名):Zone -Ching Lin
關鍵詞:掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構 ; 凸輪輪廓曲面 ; 扭力值 ; 傳動機構
英文關鍵詞:Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge ; CAM curvature ;
torque value ; Hinge drive mechanism movement
[ 摘要 ]
[ 英文摘要 ]
This article takes the Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge design as an example for a study of simulation and analyzes the Hinge drive mechanism movement and the torque value.
This article takes kinds of methods to get better understand the relationship of Hinge movement conditions and movement properties, such as definitions, settings, and conversions to the coordinate systems. Respecting to the CAM curvature design, pressure angle and energy conservation principle that we can get a creditable torque value and it’s related torque angle data by using a simulated CAM curvature analysis. Reinforce or redesign the Hinge structure after find out the maximum stress point on the simulated Mobile Phone or Electronic device through Finite Element Analysis software. Furthermore, the output angle and the acceleration height setting required by the practical example herein are taken to synthesized the required movement curve, and practical examples are submitted herein to demonstrate the relationship between designed CAM curvature surface, and the designed CAM torque value, the data can be the basic information for the further investigation to the integration of the design and manufacturing fields together with both theories and analysis.
Based on the analytical results, it can be further understand that the deviation of torque value angle of Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge structure is mainly affected by the geometric outline of the CAM design. Apart from CAM outline, the reasons for causing the deviation occurred between the simulated and practical CAM outline are the matching errors in the practical experiment and the deviations on the production process. The result of this study will do the helps for better understand the structure and the analytical model for Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge, and providing a new direction of Folder Type Mobile Phone Hinge structure development.
[ 論文目次 ]
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 論文架構 6
第二章 掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構座標系統與座標轉換矩陣 8
2-1基本座標轉換矩陣介紹 11
2-2 繞任意軸旋轉之轉換矩陣 18
2-3 座標系統定義與轉換矩陣之建立 21
第三章 掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構凸輪輪廓推導 25
3-1 剛體轉置法介紹 26
3-2 凸輪輪廓推導 29
3-3 凸輪與凸輪之滾子之囓合方程式推導 33
3-4曲面介紹 35
3-5 共軛曲面理論介紹 36
第四章 掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構機械力學分析 37
4-1 機構運動 37
4-2 機械特性分析 38
4-3 凸輪軸制動器之滾子與凸輪所承受的負荷 41
4-4 壓力角 45
4-5 凸輪軸制動器之滾子與凸輪上各分力的大小 46
4-6 彈簧所承受的負荷 48
4-7 扭矩分析 52
第五章 掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構問題與分析 54
5-1設計分析 54
5-2有限元素分析 58
第六章 掀蓋式行動電話鉸鏈結構設計實例 69
6-1彈簧實例 69
6-2運動曲線設計實例 70
6-3結果和結論 88
第七章 結論與未來的研究方向 93
7-1結果與討論 93
7-2未來的研究方向 96
參 考 文 獻 97
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