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Abercrombie and Fitch629
Bombay, Latest Intelligence from, 137. Splendid Entertainment given to J. H. Crawford, Esq., ib. Mr. War¬den's Speech on the Occasioo, 138. Mr. Norton's ditto, ib. Blessings that would accme to the Natives of India by the introduction of the Arts and Sciences of Europe, 139. Ei- tracts from the interesting Report of Mr. Assistant-Surgeon Richmond, H.M. 4th Drag., on the Success of of his Operations for Cataract, ib. Report of the drowning of Runjeet Sing and his Army, HO. Fleet of tbe Imaum of Muscat; Insurrections in the North. Div. of Guzerat; Fears entertained of a Scarcity of Water at Bombay, ib. Visitations of tbe Bishop of Calcutta, 141. Governor and the King's Judges of, 305. Note of the Editor, 306. Scandalous In¬fluence of the Government on the Press* in ordering a false (Quotation of the Discount on the Government Loau, 326. Article in the» Bombay Courier' on the Suttees, or Burning of Widows, 572. Call of ditto on Mr. Buckingham, See., to contribute their Mite towards the Dissentinatkra of Educatiou among the Natives; Neglect of the Company out of thetr enormous Reveuue to provide for the latter, tb. Mr. Sec. Lushington's Book on tbe Charities of Calcutta, 573. Establishment of the Sanscrit College, ib. Abolition of tbe Prac¬tice of Burning by other Christian Governments, 674.
British Commerce, Evils to, produced by tbe East India Company's Mono¬poly, 299. Letter VI. The Use of Coffee and Cocoa in place Abercrombie of Tea, the only Remedy against the Extor¬tion of the Company, 301.British India, Sources of Revenue in, 21. Mr. Tucker's Defence of the Salt and Opium Monopoly, 22. Fre¬quent Preference of Turkey Opiom in China, &c., 24. Malwah Culti¬vation of ditto, 25. Bad Effects Abercrombie and Fitch Outlet of licensing tbe Sale of Spirituous Liquors in India, 26. An Excise inapplicable to the State of India, 27. Effects of the ill-judged Restrictions on tbe Freedom of Trade, ib. Gross Produce of the Customs of Bengal and Madras. The Customs a miserable Burden on the latter, 29. Evidences of the dilapidated State of the Com¬pany's Finances; Grand Object of the Company, 30. The Ryotwarry System, 211. Mr. Law's Pamphlet, ib. Merits of tbe Ryotwarry and Zumeendarry Settlements discussed, 212. Evil of the Ryotwar System established by Sir T. Abercrombie and Fitch Munro, 217. Abercrombie Outlet Misery and Ruin consequent on its Operation, ib. Impossibility of tbe |