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I-DEAS/Unigraphics Interoperability   
NX Gateway allows you exchange and reuse design information with I-DEAS. This interoperability allows you to use functionality from both Unigraphics and I-DEAS by sharing models between these software products.
Summary of this release  
The information in this section is intended for administrators who may need more technical background. Most users should not need this information.
Release 1 of interoperability (enabling part transfer in each direction) requires:
Unigraphics version or higher
I-DEAS 9m0
Release 2 of interoperability (allowing assembly transfer and I-DEAS Team Data access) requires:
Unigraphics version
I-DEAS 9m1
Release 3 of interoperability (including the feature browser, assembly updates, non manifold geometry, fidelity checking, and healing) requires:
Unigraphics version  
I-DEAS 9m2  
I-DEAS can open Unigraphics .prt files from Unigraphics V10.3 or higher. In general, .xpk files from I-DEAS cannot be opened by earlier versions of Unigraphics than shown in the corresponding releases above.  
The Interoperate menu is found in the I-DEAS Design and Simulation applications. To transfer a model from another application, switch to the Design application first.
This release of interoperability associatively transfers part geometry in both directions. Parts from one system can be used to build assemblies in the other. Part annotation, wireframe, or reference geometry are not transferred.
The product structure of an assembly hierarchy and orientations of components are transferred using interoperability, not other assembly attributes, annotation constraints, or assembly-level geometry. In order to avoid name conflicts, each time an assembly is imported, it will be placed in a separate bin. Assembly instances will be exchanged even if they have been suppressed.
This release allows associative updates of assembly changes in both directions.
Drawings and other entities are not supported in this release of interoperability.
In this release, users can optionally include some PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) notation when creating interoperability files in I-DEAS. This includes fastener notation intended to be used in Unigraphics Manufacturing and dimension annotation intended to be used in Unigraphics Drafting. A future release of Unigraphics will utilize this notation.
The history tree from the master part is used to track surfaces. This history can be browsed in Unigraphics with the new Feature Browser, but no provision is yet provided to suppress features or to edit feature parameters. In this release, these changes can be made in the sending system and the part updated using interoperability.
The summary of capabilities is included to give you a clear understanding of what interoperability does and doesn't do to help you make immediate productive use of this tool. It is fully expected that future releases will continue to enhance the capabilities of interoperability. In its present form, interoperability provides tools to allow users to make the best use of all the applications of both I-DEAS and Unigraphics, no matter which software package is used to create the master model.
File types  
The file transferring geometry from Unigraphics to I-DEAS is the normal Unigraphics part file (.prt). These files must not be confused with I-DEAS library part files, which use the same extension. If both Unigraphics and I-DEAS are installed on the same Windows computer, both kinds of (.prt) files will be recognized by the operating system as Unigraphics files, and will be displayed with the Unigraphics icon.
This will not cause a problem in running either software package, because I-DEAS users will never open an I-DEAS library part file directly by double-clicking on the icon. Users should not store Unigraphics part files in the I-DEAS Team Shared directory where library part files are stored.
The Parasolid XT file type is the basic Parasolid geometry file. This file type is used to transfer information from Solid Edge or from other CAD packages that use the Parasolid kernel.
The file transferring geometry from I-DEAS to Unigraphics is an I-DEAS exchange package file (.xpk). Although this file may be referred to as a "package" file, this is not the same as a package file containing I-DEAS library data used to transfer information between I-DEAS installations
When the exchange file is opened in Unigraphics, a Unigraphics part filename is generated based on the original I-DEAS part name. It is possible that in some cases duplicate generated names may result. If this happens, save the first file with a different name, then open the exchange package file again.  
Tracking Mechanisms  
Interoperability files contain associativity and tracking information that translator files such as IGES files don't. For example, if you import an IGES file into I-DEAS, the history tree node for the imported part is labeled as an "orphan" node. The term orphan means that no history is preserved to edit this feature. If a later IGES file is written, you will receive no automatic notification that the orphan node is out-of-date. There is also no association to tell you which orphan node the new IGES file should replace. Surfaces of the new IGES file do not necessarily use the same internal topological identification. When you replace the orphan feature with the newer IGES file, later added features are not tracked to surfaces and edges from the original part. Interoperability uses tracking mechanisms to solve these problems.
The interoperability feature in the history tree in I-DEAS stores the Unigraphics or Parasolid filename associated to the feature so that it can check for changes to this file.
The out-of-date notification method in I-DEAS is to check the date and time stamp on the Unigraphics part or Parasolid file. If this file is renamed, moved or restored, this mechanism may not give a true indication of an out-of-date part.
When you open an exchange file or import a part from I-DEAS TDM in Unigraphics, the resulting Unigraphics part file records unique identifiers for the associated I-DEAS part to ensure that a subsequent update is for a different version of the same I-DEAS part. Because of this unique identifier, the part can be updated by reloading using either mechanism (a package file or from TDM) regardless of which way the part was originally imported.
The exchange package file also contains other diagnostic information such as computed mass properties that can be used to check the accuracy of the transferred geometry.
In I-DEAS there is no real distinction between  
(1) an open part,  
(2) a closed solid part, or  
(3) a part with extra internal surface partitions or external open surfaces.  
In Unigraphics, case (1) is called a "sheet" or a "sheet body." Most final parts will fall into case (2), called a "body" or a "solid body" in Unigraphics. Case (3) cannot be represented in Unigraphics.
Case (1) and case (3) are sometimes both called "non-manifold" topology. For the purpose of this user guide, only case (3) will be referred to as non-manifold. This is geometry where three or more surfaces meet at a common edge. This type of geometry is used in I-DEAS Simulation to model mid-surface abstractions of thin-walled parts and to include internal partitions to define material boundaries inside solid parts.
Geometry falling into case (3) will be transferred to Unigraphics by creating and transferring a separate body for each volume region. These multiple bodies will be placed in the same .prt file in Unigraphics.
To access I-DEAS library parts and assemblies from within Unigraphics, the I-DEAS data installation must be accessible and properly configured in Unigraphics. If Unigraphics cannot connect to the I-DEAS server, then all Unigraphics menus and buttons that access I-DEAS library data will be insensitive or not available.  
First, set up the Unigraphics to I-DEAS connection, then configure the I-DEAS ORBIX Server.
Set up the Unigraphics to I-DEAS Connection
There are two ways in which the Unigraphics to I-DEAS connection can be established, depending on whether the server and client share a common file system.  
Separate File System Setup
This method is now the preferred method of installation.
Use the connection mechanism setup if the client and the server are on separate file systems.  
An application called ug_ideas_connector.exe is provided to facilitate the connection to the I-DEAS server from Unigraphics. This application will be located in the \Ugs directory of the I-DEAS installation. The following initial setup needs to be performed on the Unigraphics client side and the I-DEAS server side.
I-DEAS server side setup
I-DEAS has a standard program file called userprof.prg that is automatically run when I-DEAS is started. This file needs to be either in the I-DEAS installation directory or the I-DEAS launch directory.  
In the \Ugs directory of the I-DEAS installation a sample userprof.prg program file is provided for Windows and UNIX. This program file contains the command required to launch the ug_ideas_connector application. Users need to place this program file in either of the locations specified above. If users already have a userprof.prg file of their own then they need to merge the commands specified in this sample file into their userprof.prg file.  
Unigraphics client side setup
On the Unigraphics client side users need to set the UGII_INOP_SERVER_HOST environment variable to the name of the host machine on which the I-DEAS server is running.  
Common file System Setup
This is an older method, and is no longer recommended. It is only listed here to support sites that may still use this method.
Use this connection mechanism if the client and the server share a common file system.  
In this connection mechanism users are provided with scripts that can be run automatically and will write to disk a file called UgIdeasInterop.ior. This file then needs to be referenced on the client side via an environment variable. The following initial setup steps need to be performed on the Unigraphics client side and the I-DEAS server side.
I-DEAS server side setup
A batch file (UgIdeasIORGenerator.bat) for Windows and a shell script (UgIdeasIORGenerator.sh) for UNIX is provided in the \Ugs directory of the I-DEAS installation. Using the userprof.prg file these scripts can be executed automatically whenever I-DEAS is launched.  
When the script is executed it will write a file called UgIdeasInterop.ior. This file is written to the I-DEAS startup directory by default. Users can change the default location by setting the environment variable UGII_INOP_IOR_DIR_PATH to the desired directory path.  
Unigraphics client side setup
On the Unigraphics client side users need to set the environment variable UGII_INOP_SERVER_IOR_FILE to the location of the UgIdeasInterop.ior file on the I-DEAS Server. Specify the full path, including the filename.
The ug_ideas_connector.exe application and the UgIdeasIORGenerator scripts have not been shipped as a part of the main I-DEAS 9 M1 release. Contact a technical representative to obtain details regarding the appropriate I-DEAS 9 M1 PTF release that supports these connection mechanisms.  
There is a known problem in the main I-DEAS 9 M1 release that causes the transmission of data greater than 2MB to fail. This has been fixed in an I-DEAS 9M1 PTF release. Users need to contact their technical representative to obtain details regarding the appropriate I-DEAS 9 M1 PTF release that fixes this problem.  
These issues are fixed in I-DEAS 9m2
Configure the I-DEAS ORBIX Server
For the Unigraphics to I-DEAS connection to be established the following additional steps may be required. (When I-DEAS starts up it registers a set of pre defined servers with Orbix. Sometimes permissions on these servers cause the connection between the Unigraphics client and the I-DEAS server to fail.)
Register a manually launched persistent server with ORBIX. This can be done using the following command.
(sdrc install dir)\iona\bin\putit -shared -persistent (server name)  
Open up the launch and invoke permissions on this server by using the following commands: (sdrc install dir)\iona\bin\chmodit -h (host name) (server name) i+all (sdrc install dir)\iona\bin\chmodit -h (host name) (server name) l+all  
When launching I-DEAS the ORBIX server name needs to be passed as an argument to I-DEAS.  
ideas -n (server name)  
In general steps (1) and (2) need to be performed only once.  
If the machine on which the server is running is restarted or if the ORBIX daemon is restarted then steps (1) and (2) will need to be repeated.
Variables and Parameters
There are several environmental variables in Unigraphics and parameters in I-DEAS that control the transfer process and feature behavior. Because these settings should be set site-wide, the administrator must set these values for the users. No control over these settings is provided in the software.  
Unigraphics Variables
Set UGII_INOP_SERVER_HOST='hostname' to define the I-DEAS server host machine name.
Set UGII_IDEAS2UG_AUTO_UPDATE_CHECK=ON to check TDM (I-DEAS Team Data Manager) for out-of-date status. (ON=default.) UGII_INOP_SERVER_HOST must be set up also.
Set UGII_IDEAS2UG_UPDATE_FROM_LATEST=ON to enable 'update to latest' buttons on forms. (ON=default.) UGII_INOP_SERVER_HOST must be set up also. Turning this option on may slow performance.
Set UGII_INOP_AUTO_HEAL_GEOMETRY=TRUE to automatically heal geometry on import. (TRUE=default.)
Set UGII_INOP_AUTO_CHECK_GEOM_FIDELITY=TRUE to automatically check fidelity on import. If fidelity data doesn't exist in the file (for example if an older .xpk file is being imported), the user will receive a warning message. (FALSE=default.)
I-DEAS Parameters
You must be defined the following I-DEAS parameters to use some of the new functionality of this release of interoperability. These can be defined in the users param file or in a site-wide ideas_param file.
de.uirelease.rrtm: 1
This parameter must be defined to turn on the new user interface features. If this parameter is not turned on, the Update from Unigraphics icon will not be available on the Manage Bins form. (Default = 0 or not defined.)
mm.interoperability.healing.off: 0 or 1
If this parameter is set to 1, I-DEAS will skip the step of healing surfaces before exporting the data. You should define this variable only if you want to manually control the healing process within Unigraphics instead of letting I-DEAS perform this step automatically. (Default = 0 or not defined.)
mm.interoperability.fidelity.on: 0 or 1
If this parameter is turned on, I-DEAS will generate and store fidelity checking data in the interoperability .xpk files. This parameter is normally left off (or undefined), since healing is done by default before export, and most users won't need this fidelity checking data. Writing this data will increase the size of the file.  
This parameter also turns on fidelity checking, which is performed when Unigraphics files are opened in I-DEAS. (Default = 0 or not defined.)
Recommended variable and parameter settings
Typical users
Most sites should set the variables and parameters described above at the default values mentioned. This setup is for companies that want geometrically consistent models but do not require reports on the fidelity of the imported data. This setup will emulate the interoperability behavior of previous releases. The geometry is healed in the sending system and no fidelity data is included in the exchanged model. No checks are performed in the receiving system.
de.uirelease.rrtm: 1  
mm.interoperability.healing.off: 0  
mm.interoperability.fidelity.on: 0  
Fidelity users
For sites that want to actively exert a higher level of control over the healing process and fidelity checking where surface accuracy is critical, the following settings are recommended.  
This setup is for companies that wish to guarantee the surface and curve fidelity of the imported data. This set of variables configures the sending and receiving applications to maintain the geometry exactly. This can occasionally result in inconsistent geometry being imported; but it is exact. The model contains fidelity data (sample points from the sending system) that enables the user to verify the fidelity of the imported data.
A model that contains inconsistent geometry can still be visualized and used within modelling operations, but some downstream operations that rely on the model region where there are inconsistencies may result in modeling failures.
de.uirelease.rrtm: 1  
mm.interoperability.healing.off: 1  
mm.interoperability.fidelity.on: 1  
For information on the I-DEAS installation, see the I-DEAS 9 Installation Guide or the General I-DEAS Administration user's guide in the I-DEAS online help library.
For help with the installation procedures or accessing required files, contact the GTAC support system
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