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[分享] 老外如何找中国的模具厂家?

发表于 2011-6-21 19:12:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Where are Good Factories in China?

I’ve been identifying and evaluating factories in China for US brands and retailers for over 9 years. In that time I can truly say I have seen the best and the worst of what manufacturing in China has to offer. Here are some surefire steps to ensuring that you only work with a factory that can meet your requirements:
1. Get references and check them out - While this may seem simple enough, following this rule will help you eliminate about 90% of the potential trading partners you may find on sites like Alibaba or Global Sources. Ask the person whom you’re emailing with to provide you references of others in the US or Europe that they have done business with directly, who you can contact for a reference. It’s understandable if the supplier replies that they can not tell you all of their clients’ names or brands they are making, but they should definitely be able to provide at least one or two references. When you check them out, set up a phone call instead of just a casual email. You’ll learn very quickly who you’re dealing with. If the supplier cannot provide you with one genuine reference…run away and don’t look back.
2. Send in a 3rd party to perform China Supplier Verification – These days there are a whole list of professional firms in China who can provide you a detailed report by sending someone first hand to visit your potential supplier. You can usually get this done for less than $150 and let me tell you…it could end up saving you a fortune!
3. Request product documentation - Ask your supplier if they can provide you some documents related to their quality control, or product safety standards, and see what they come back with. You may ask for things such as a “quality control checklist” for the product in question, or for “lab testing documentation” showing that the materials being used in the product are safe and legal for your market of sale. If the supplier avoids this request, or has no clue what you’re talking about, don’t go any further. A professional factory or trading company will be highly familiar and responsive to such requests

4. Go with your gut – You don’t need to be an expert in buying from China to know when you have a “bad feeling” about something. Feel strange that the supplier is asking you to make money transfers by Western Union? Is the name on their different from the company or contact person’s name with no good explanation? Does the supplier seem to avoid your simple and direct questions? All of these are signs of a bad partner. Don’t rationalize obvious lapse in professionalism because you feel you’re “locked-in” to one supplier. Injection mold In China, if there’s one factory making, there’s usually ten other factories right down the road making the same thing.
5. Note the Quality When you receive a sample or send someone in to check the goods, what is your opinion of the goods quality? Does the item seem “just not right”, flimsy, cheap or have some other mal-function? If a supplier is willing to send out a sample that has quality issues then you will definitely not get what you are expecting when you place an order. NEVER accept the excuse that “Oh, the sample is just like this but the mass production will be better”. That is the biggest joke in the book.



1。获取引用和检查出来 - 虽然这可能看起来很简单,下面这条规则将帮助你消除约90%的潜在贸易伙伴可能会发现像阿里巴巴和环球资源网站%。问问你的人谁发送电子邮件与他人,为您提供参考,在美国或欧洲,他们已经做过生意的直接,谁可以接触一个参考。这是可以理解的,如果供应商的答复,他们不能告诉你他们的客户的名称或品牌,他们正在所有,但他们绝对应该能够提供至少一个或两个引用。当你检查出来,成立了而不是只是敷衍电子邮件电话。你会学得很快你和谁打交道。如果供应商不能提供一个真正的参考你...跑掉,不回头。

。寄第三方来执行中国供应商认证 - 这些天来有很多专业公司在中国整个列表谁可以为您提供第一手通过派人访问你的潜在供应商的详细报告。您通常可以得到这个不到150美元做了,让我告诉你... ...这可能最终节省您发财!

3。要求产品文档 - 询问你的供应商,如果他们可以为您提供有关他们的质量控制,产品安全标准或一些文件,看看他们回来的。你可能会问这样一个质量控制检查表的产品有问题的东西,或为实验室测试文件,这是在产品中使用的材料是安全的,您对销售市场的法律。如果供应商避免了这一要求,或有没有什么线索你在说什么,不要再往前走。一个专业的工厂或贸易公司将高度熟悉和响应这种请求

。相信自己的直觉 - 你不必是一个从中国购买专家知道,当你有一个坏感觉有关的东西。觉得奇怪的是,供应商要求你要通过西联汇款?是他们从公司或没有很好的解释联系人的姓名不同的名字?供应商是否似乎以避免你的简单和直接的问题?所有这些都是一个坏伙伴的迹象。不要合理化专业明显失效,因为你觉得你锁定在一个供应商。在中国,如果有一个工厂制作,通常有ten权下使其他工厂同样的道路。

5。注意质量 - 当您收到样品或派人在检查货物,什么是你的商品质量的意见?请问该项目似乎只是不正确的,脆弱的,便宜的或有其他失当功能?如果供应商愿意送出去一个样本有质量问题,那么你肯定不会得到你所期待当你下订单。永远不接受借口,哦,样品就是这样的,但大规模生产会更好这是书中最大的笑话。


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