zjxwhu wrote:
Release Level: 6.0
Part Name: shengmen
Material Supplier: GE Plastics (USA)
Material Grade: Cycoloy C7210A
Max Injection Pressure: 140.00 MPa
Mold Temperature: 55.00 deg.C
Melt Temperature: 255.00 deg.C
Model Suitability: Part model was highly suitable for analysis.
Moldability: Your part may be difficult to fill and part quality may be unacceptable.
View the Confidence of Fill plot and use the Dynamic Adviser to get help on how to improve the filling of the part.
Confidence: Medium
Injection Time: 2.99 sec
Injection Pressure: 133.58 MPa
Weld Lines: Yes
Air Traps: Yes
Shot Volume (cavity, runner): 2030.17 cu.cm ( 1635.91, 394.27 )
Filling Clamp Force: 1576.72 tonne
Packing Clamp Force Estimate @20%: ( 26.72 )MPa 735.01 tonne
Packing Clamp Force Estimate @80%: ( 106.86 )MPa 2940.04 tonne
Packing Clamp Force Estimate @120%: ( 160.30 )MPa 4410.05 tonne
Clamp Force Area: 2697.25 sq.cm
Cycle Time: 18.56 sec
Warnings: The complexity of the current model will probably result in a longer analysis
time than usual, and may require hardware above the minimum specification.