我心飞扬 wrote: Solver parameters : No. of laminae across thickness = 12 沿厚度方向分析层数 No. of intermediate results (filling) = 20 中间结果数量(填充阶段) No. of profiled intermediate results (filling) = 20 曲线表达的中间结果数量(填充阶段) No. of intermediate results (packing) = 20 中间结果数量(填充阶段) No. of profiled intermediate results (filling) = 20 曲线表达的中间结果数量(填充阶段) Melt temperature convergence tolerance = 0.2000 C 熔体温度计算的收敛误差 Mold-melt heat transfer coefficient = 2.5000E+04 W/m^2-C 模具与熔体间的热传导系数 Maximum no. of melt temperature iterations = 100 熔体温度计算时最大的反复叠代的次数(当温度无法收敛的时候就会重新叠代) Pressure trace sample frequency = 10 Hz 描绘压力轨迹的取样频率 Total number of pressure trace nodes = 1 描绘压力变化的取样节点数 Node 1 = 521 Residual stress analysis = 1 残余应力分析 Option for structural package = 0 Isolate mechanism for warpage? (0=No,1=Yes) = 1 是否孤立了翘曲原因 Number of modes for stress analysis = 3 应力分析的模型数量。 以上是流动分析后的参数不知道有什模用处,高手们来指点指点
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