Top 10 Reasons Why Companies Do Not Implement PDM Wellor At All
10 Management won't fund it
9 A better product is coming out next year
8 Our CAD package does enough PDM for us already
7 Management doesn't understand the benefits
6 We're different! No COTS solution will work for us
5 We're waiting for our IS department to finish the long-range system plan.
4 Our corporate re-engineering project needs to finish first, before we start a PDM project
3 We'll let other companies fix the bugs and make the mistakes first, before we jump in
2 We already bought one but had trouble implementing it and they fired the leader & promoted the uninvolved
1 We're spending all of our time and money implementing SAP
zhizhi wrote:
转贴自 e-works:
Top 10 Reasons Why Companies Do Not Implement PDM Wellor At All
10 Management won't fund it
9 A better product is coming out next year
8 Our CAD package does enough PDM for us already
7 Management doesn't understand the benefits
6 We're different! No COTS solution will work for us
5 We're waiting for our IS department to finish the long-range system plan.
4 Our corporate re-engineering project needs to finish first, before we start a PDM project
3 We'll let other companies fix the bugs and make the mistakes first, before we jump in
2 We already bought one but had trouble implementing it and they fired the leader & promoted the uninvolved
1 We're spending all of our time and money implementing SAP
谁也不知道 PDM 和 CAx 和 ERP 该如何分配投资,如何统一规划和管理。
PDM 把 CAx 集成在一起的效益,PDM 把 CAx 和 ERP 集成在一起的效益在哪里?说服众人是困难的。
说明自己对 PDM 的作用和功能认识不够。
不懂 PDM 肯定要解决共性问题。所谓个性,第一未必合理,第二,也往往可以采用集成开发手段解决。
IT 部门专业知识不可能覆盖整个企业。只有各方面积极参与才能作好规划。项目经理还要全面了解各方面知识。
业务流程重组将对 PDM 产生重大影响。但等待不是办法,因为业务流程重组是持续的,可能永远做不完。
消极等待当然可以避免一些损失,但也失去了 PDM 改善技术管理和支持市场竞争的先机。先行者犯了不少错误,吃了不少苦头,但人家可能把基础数据整理好了,管理基础整顿好了,使用不很完善的 PDM 产品获得了效益。
1、为了实施 SAP,我们已经花光了所有的钱和时间!
PDM 和 ERP 是互相支持的。对某些行业来说,先上 PDM 解决数据来源问题对实施 ERP 很有利。倒过来,则可能因数据基础差而是 ERP 无法投入运转。
实施 SAP 花钱没底,除非你的企业不发展了,管理也不打算改善了。
ERP 要花钱,不等于其他方面应该不花钱。