# Description
# This is the event handler file for generic 3axis mill
# Revisions
# Date Who Reason
# 02-jul-1998 whb Original
# 31-jul-1998 whb make system independent
# 26-aug-1998 dty Add path for ugpost_base.tcl
# 02-dec-1998 bmp Modified the path for sourced files
# 06-feb-1999 Binu Changed the environment varibale UGII_CAM_RESOURCE to
# 24-mar-1999 DTY Remove source paths
# 20-apr-1999 whb fix I J K output for arcs
# 01-jun-1999 whb fix MOM_sequence_number
# 21-Jun-1999 whb check equality within tolerance ('EQ')
# 27-Jul-1999 whb add CHECK_OPER_TYPE
# 31-Jan-2000 whb add nurbs, make corrections for a working post.
# This section contains the control section for mill3ax post processor.
# This program logic determinies the output to the post processor file.
# The following procedures are performed in the order the events are
# generated.
#The following command invokes the debugging mode.
# source [MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_DEBUG_DIR]mom_debug.tcl
# source [MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_DEBUG_DIR]mom_review.tcl
#********Setting the debug mode ON/OFF
# MOM_set_debug_mode ON
#The following command invokes the warning mode and the default settings.
source [MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_POST_DIR]ugpost_base.tcl
#The following file consists of default values set for G & M codes
#********M code declaration
set mom_kin_min_arc_length 0.001
# set mom_kin_arc_output_mode "QUADRANT"
set mom_sys_program_stop_code 0
set mom_sys_optional_stop_code 1
set mom_sys_end_of_program_code 30
set mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CLW) 3
set mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(CCLW) 4
set mom_sys_spindle_direction_code(OFF) 5
set mom_sys_tool_change_code 6
set mom_sys_coolant_code(MIST) 7
set mom_sys_coolant_code(FLOOD) 8
set mom_sys_coolant_code(TAP) 8
set mom_sys_coolant_code(OFF) 9
set mom_sys_clamp_code(ON) 10
set mom_sys_clamp_code(OFF) 11
set mom_sys_clamp_code(AXISON) 10
set mom_sys_clamp_code(AXISOFF) 11
#********G code declaration
set mom_sys_rapid_code 0
set mom_sys_linear_code 1
set mom_sys_circle_code(CLW) 2
set mom_sys_circle_code(CCLW) 3
set mom_sys_delay_code(REVOLUTIONS) 4
set mom_sys_delay_code(SECONDS) 4
set mom_sys_nurbs_precision_code 5
set mom_sys_nurbs_code 6.2
set mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(XY) 17
set mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(ZX) 18
set mom_sys_cutcom_plane_code(YZ) 19
set mom_sys_cutcom_code(OFF) 40
set mom_sys_cutcom_code(LEFT) 41
set mom_sys_cutcom_code(RIGHT) 42
set mom_sys_inch_code 70
set mom_sys_metric_code 71
set mom_sys_cycle_breakchip_code 73
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_no_drag_code 76
set mom_sys_cycle_off 80
set mom_sys_cycle_drill_code 81
set mom_sys_cycle_drill_dwell_code 82
set mom_sys_cycle_drill_deep_code 83
set mom_sys_cycle_tap_code 84
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_code 85
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_drag_code 86
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_back_code 87
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_code 88
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_manual_dwell_code 89
set mom_sys_cycle_bore_dwell_code 89
set mom_sys_output_code(ABSOLUTE) 90
set mom_sys_output_code(INCREMENTAL) 91
# Kinematic Declarations
set mom_kin_machine_type 3_axis_mill
set mom_kin_machine_resolution .0001
set mom_kin_nurbs_output_type BSPLINE
# Global Variable Declaration
set mom_sys_list_file_columns 132
set mom_sys_list_file_rows 50
set mom_sys_commentary_output OFF
set mom_sys_list_output OFF
set mom_sys_group_output OFF
set nurbs_move_flag 0
set nurbs_knot_count 0
set anchor_flag 0
set coolant_flag 0
set mom_tool_number 0
set mom_spindle_rpm 0
# Machine Time Variable Declaration
global accumulated_time
set accumulated_time 0
proc MOM_start_of_program {} {
# This procedure is executed at the very begining of the program.
# It gets called before any command is read from the task file.
global mom_seqnum
global mom_part_name
global mom_logname
global mom_date
global mom_spindle_speed
global mom_output_file_basename
#********The following procedure opens the warning and listing files
#********The following procedure lists the header information in commentary data
# MOM_set_seq_off
set mom_seqnum 100
# MOM_output_literal "(TASK : $mom_part_name)"
# MOM_output_literal "(Created By : $mom_logname)"
# MOM_output_literal "(Creation Date: $mom_date)"
MOM_suppress always N
MOM_output_literal "%"
# MOM_output_literal "G00 G40 G80 G54 G90"
# MOM_output_literal "(PROGRAM NAME - $mom_output_file_basename)"
# MOM_output_literal "(Creation Date: $mom_date)"
MOM_output_literal "O0000"
MOM_suppress off N
# MOM_output_literal "G90G80G00G17G40"
# MOM_output_literal "G21"
# MOM_output_literal "G0G90G17"
proc MOM_start_of_path {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of each path in the task
# It gets called after all the general parameters of the path are loaded
# like the path name and the tool name.
global mom_path_name
global mom_tool_name
global mom_tool_length_adjust_register
global mom_tool_corner1_radius
global mom_tool_diameter
global mom_tool_number
# MOM_set_seq_off
MOM_suppress always N
MOM_output_literal "(----------------------------------------------------)"
MOM_output_literal "(Start: $mom_path_name with tool: $mom_tool_name)"
MOM_output_literal "(Tool Name - $mom_tool_name)"
MOM_output_literal "(Tool Diameter - [ format "%.2f" $mom_tool_diameter])"
MOM_output_literal "(Tool Radius - [ format "%.2f" $mom_tool_corner1_radius])"
# MOM_output_literal "(TOOL - [ format "%1d" $mom_tool_number] DIA. - [ format "%.2f" $mom_tool_diameter])"
MOM_output_literal "(----------------------------------------------------)"
MOM_suppress off N
MOM_output_literal "G90G80G00G17G40"
proc MOM_tool_change {} {
# This procedure is executed at any time there is a tool change.
# It gets called after the tool change data is loaded like the tool number
# and the register numbers.
global first_tool
set first_tool 0
proc MOM_first_tool {} {
# This procedure is executed for the first operation, with a tool, in the task.
global first_tool
set first_tool 1
proc MOM_initial_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the initial move of each operation. It assumes
# the tool is moving from a safe position at rapid to the start of the operation.
global mom_tool_number mom_next_tool_number
global mom_coolant_status mom_coolant_mode
global mom_spindle_rpm
global mom_warning_info
global anchor_flag
global coolant_flag
global first_tool
set anchor_flag 1
# if { [info exists mom_tool_number] == 0 } {
# set mom_warning_info "TOOL NUMBER NOT SET, DEFAULTING TO 0"
# MOM_catch_warning
# set mom_tool_number 0
# }
if {$coolant_flag == 1} {
if {$mom_coolant_mode == "" && $mom_coolant_status == "SAME"} {
set mom_coolant_mode FLOOD
if {$mom_coolant_status != "OFF"} {
set mom_coolant_status $mom_coolant_mode
MOM_force once coolant_m
# if {$first_tool == 0} {
# MOM_spindle_off
# MOM_coolant_off
# }
# MOM_force once T M
# MOM_do_template tool_change
MOM_force once motion_g H G X Y S spindle_m
MOM_force once S spindle_m
MOM_do_template spindle_start
# if {[info exists mom_spindle_rpm] != 0} {
# if {$mom_spindle_rpm != 0} {
# MOM_force once S spindle_m
# MOM_do_template spindle_start
# } else {
# set mom_warning_info "SPINDLE RPM IS 0"
# MOM_catch_warning
# }
# }
MOM_force once length_g H Z
MOM_suppress once motion_g
MOM_do_template rapid_z
MOM_do_template rapid_xy
proc MOM_first_move {} {
# This procedure is executed before the motion event is activated.
global mom_motion_event
global mom_warning_info
global mom_spindle_rpm
# if {[info exists mom_spindle_rpm] != 0} {
# if {$mom_spindle_rpm != 0} {
MOM_force once S spindle_m
MOM_do_template spindle_start
# } else {
# set mom_warning_info "SPINDLE RPM IS 0"
# MOM_catch_warning
# }
# }
# catch {MOM_$mom_motion_event}
MOM_do_template rapid_z
MOM_do_template rapid_xy
proc MOM_linear_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for each linear move. It gets called after
# the positioning varables, position and tool axis (X,Y,Z,TAX,TAY,TAZ) are loaded.
global mom_cutcom_mode
global mom_cutcom_status
global anchor_flag
global tempxpos
global tempypos
global tempzpos
global mom_pos
set tempxpos $mom_pos(0)
set tempypos $mom_pos(1)
set tempzpos $mom_pos(2)
set anchor_flag 1
if {$mom_cutcom_status == "ON"} {
set mom_cutcom_status $mom_cutcom_mode
} elseif {$mom_cutcom_status == "OFF"} {
MOM_suppress once cutcom_g
MOM_do_template linear
proc MOM_circular_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for each circular move. It gets called after
# the circle data are loaded (end point and center).
global mom_pos_arc_axis
global g_plane
global mom_cutcom_status mom_cutcom_mode
global anchor_flag
global tempxpos
global tempypos
global mom_pos
global tempzpos
set checkfull 0
# set a [expr $mom_pos(0)-$tempxpos]
# set b [expr $mom_pos(1)-$tempypos]
# set c [expr $mom_pos(2)-$tempzpos]
set anchor_flag 1
# if {[expr abs($a)] == 0.0 && [expr abs($b)] == 0.0 && [expr abs($c)] == 0.0} {set checkfull 1}
# if {[expr abs($a)] < 0.001 && [expr abs($b)] < 0.001 && [expr abs($c)] < 0.001 && $checkfull == 0} {
# return}
set tempxpos $mom_pos(0)
set tempypos $mom_pos(1)
set tempzpos $mom_pos(2)
if {$mom_cutcom_status == "ON"} {
set mom_cutcom_status $mom_cutcom_mode
} elseif {$mom_cutcom_status == "OFF"} {
MOM_suppress once cutcom_g
if {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(2)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "17"
MOM_force once X Y motion_g I J
MOM_suppress once K
} elseif {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(1)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "18"
MOM_force once X Z motion_g I K
MOM_suppress once J
} elseif {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(0)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "19"
MOM_force once Y Z motion_g J K
MOM_suppress once I
MOM_do_template circle
MOM_suppress off motion_g X Y Z I J K R
proc MOM_helix_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for each circular move. It gets called after
# the circle data are loaded (end point and center).
global mom_pos_arc_axis
global g_plane
global mom_cutcom_status mom_cutcom_mode
global anchor_flag
set anchor_flag 1
if {$mom_cutcom_status == "ON"} {
set mom_cutcom_status $mom_cutcom_mode
} elseif {$mom_cutcom_status == "OFF"} {
MOM_suppress once cutcom_g
if {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(2)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "17"
MOM_suppress always K
} elseif {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(1)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "18"
MOM_suppress always J
} elseif {[EQ_is_equal abs($mom_pos_arc_axis(0)) 1.0]} {
set g_plane "19"
MOM_suppress always I
MOM_do_template helix
MOM_suppress off I J K
proc MOM_rapid_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for each rapid move. It gets called after
# the positioning varables, position and tool axis (X,Y,Z,TAX,TAY,TAZ) are loaded.
global mom_last_pos
global mom_pos
global mom_coolant_mode
global anchor_flag
set anchor_flag 1
set mom_coolant_status $mom_coolant_mode
if {[EQ_is_gt $mom_pos(2) $mom_last_pos(2)]} {
if {![EQ_is_zero [expr ($mom_pos(2)-$mom_last_pos(2))]]} {
MOM_do_template rapid_z
if {![EQ_is_zero [expr (abs($mom_pos(0)-$mom_last_pos(0))+abs($mom_pos(1)-$mom_last_pos(1)))]]} {
MOM_do_template rapid_xy
} else {
if {![EQ_is_zero [expr (abs($mom_pos(0)-$mom_last_pos(0))+abs($mom_pos(1)-$mom_last_pos(1)))]]} {
MOM_do_template rapid_xy
if {![EQ_is_zero [expr ($mom_pos(2)-$mom_last_pos(2))]]} {
MOM_do_template rapid_z
proc MOM_end_of_path {} {
# This procedure is executed at the end of a path.
global mom_path_name
global nurbs_move_flag
if {$nurbs_move_flag == 1} {MOM_output_literal "G05 P0"}
# MOM_set_seq_off
MOM_suppress once length_g H coolant_m
MOM_force once Z
MOM_do_template rapid_z
# MOM_spindle_off
# MOM_output_literal "M09"
# MOM_output_literal "(End Of Path $mom_path_name)"
set nurbs_move_flag 0
# Machine Time
global mom_machine_time
global accumulated_time
global mom_operation_name
set op_time [expr $mom_machine_time - $accumulated_time]
# MOM_output_literal "(------------------------------------------)"
#MOM_output_literal "Operation : $mom_operation_name"
#MOM_output_literal "Machine Time : [ format "%.2f" $op_time]"
# MOM_output_literal "([format "Operation: %s Time: %.2f" $mom_operation_name $op_time])"
set accumulated_time $mom_machine_time
proc MOM_end_of_program {} {
# This procedure is executed at the end of the program after all
# the paths are traversed.
global mom_part_name
MOM_do_template end_of_program
# MOM_set_seq_off
MOM_suppress always N
MOM_output_literal "%"
MOM_output_literal "(END OF TASK: $mom_part_name)"
MOM_suppress off N
# Machine Time
global mom_machine_time
MOM_suppress always N
MOM_output_literal "(==========================================)"
MOM_output_literal "(TOTAL Machine Time: [ format "%.2f" $mom_machine_time])"
MOM_output_literal "(------------------------------------------)"
MOM_suppress off N
#********The following procedure lists the tool list with time in commentary data
#********The following procedure closes the warning and listing files
proc MOM_nurbs_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for each nurbs move.
global mom_nurbs_knot_count
global mom_nurbs_point_count
global mom_nurbs_order
global nurbs_knot_count
global nurbs_precision
global nurbs_move_flag
global anchor_flag
if {$nurbs_move_flag == 0} {
set nurbs_precision 10000
MOM_do_template nurbs_start
set nurbs_move_flag 1
if {$anchor_flag == 1} {
MOM_do_template anchor_point
set anchor_flag 0
set nurbs_knot_count 0
MOM_set_address_format motion_g nurb_code
MOM_force once motion_g order X Y Z
while {$nurbs_knot_count < $mom_nurbs_point_count} {
MOM_do_template nurbs
set nurbs_knot_count [expr $nurbs_knot_count + 1]
while {$nurbs_knot_count < $mom_nurbs_knot_count} {
MOM_do_template knots
set nurbs_knot_count [expr $nurbs_knot_count + 1]
MOM_set_address_format motion_g Register_2
proc MOM_before_output {} {
# This procedure is executed just before a line is about to be output
# to the file. It loads the line into a variable MOM_o_buffer and then calls
# this procedure. When it returns from this procedure, the variable MOM_o_buffer
# is read and written to the file.
#########The following procedure invokes the listing file with warnings.
global mom_seqnum
if { $mom_seqnum == 10000 } { set mom_seqnum 100 }
proc cycle_set {} {
# This procedure is executed for each new cycle. This will make sure all
# non-modal addresses and Cycle parameters are output that need to be output
# at the start of a new cycle.
global mom_cycle_retract_mode
global g_return
MOM_force once motion_g X Y Z R cycle_dwell cycle_nodrag cycle_step
if {$mom_cycle_retract_mode == "MANUAL"} {
set g_return 99
} elseif {$mom_cycle_retract_mode == "AUTO"} {
set g_return 98
} else {
set g_return 99
proc MOM_cycle_plane_change {} {
# This procedure is executed at the end of cycle motion when there is a cycle
# move occuring at a higher level than the previous position.
MOM_do_template cycle_plane_change
proc MOM_cycle_off {} {
# This procedure is executed at the end of cycle motion.
MOM_do_template cycle_off
proc MOM_drill {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a drill cycle.
proc MOM_drill_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a drill cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_drill
proc MOM_drill_dwell {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a drill dwell cycle.
proc MOM_drill_dwell_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a drill dwell cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_drill_dwell
proc MOM_drill_counter_sink {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a drill cycle.
proc MOM_drill_counter_sink_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a drill cycle.
proc MOM_drill_csink_dwell {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a drill dwell cycle.
proc MOM_drill_csink_dwell_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a drill dwell cycle.
proc MOM_drill_deep {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a deep cycle.
proc MOM_drill_deep_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a deep cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_drill_deep
proc MOM_drill_break_chip {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a brkchp cycle.
proc MOM_drill_break_chip_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a brkchp cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_breakchip
proc MOM_tap {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a tap cycle.
proc MOM_tap_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a tap cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_tap
proc MOM_bore {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore cycle.
proc MOM_bore_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a bore cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore
proc MOM_bore_dwell {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore cycle.
proc MOM_bore_dwell_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a bore dwell cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_dwell
proc MOM_bore_drag {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore drag cycle.
proc MOM_bore_drag_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a bore_drag cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_drag
proc MOM_bore_no_drag {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore nodrag cycle.
proc MOM_bore_no_drag_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a bore nodrag cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_no_drag
proc MOM_bore_back {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore back cycle.
proc MOM_bore_back_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a back bore cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_back
proc MOM_bore_manual {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore manual cycle.
proc MOM_bore_manual_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a manual bore cycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_manual
proc MOM_bore_manual_dwell {} {
# This procedure is executed at the begining of a bore manual dwell bore cycle.
proc MOM_bore_manual_dwell_move {} {
# This procedure is executed for the goto of a manual dwell borecycle.
MOM_do_template cycle_bore_manual_dwell
proc MOM_load_tool {} {
# This procedure is executed for the LOAD/TOOL command. All output for the LOAD
# command will take place with the initial move.
proc MOM_sequence_number {} {
# This procedure is executed for the Sequence Number command.
global mom_sequence_mode
global mom_sequence_number
global mom_sequence_increment
global mom_sequence_frequency
global mom_sequence_text
global mom_warning_info
if {[isset mom_sequence_mode] == "y"} {
if {$mom_sequence_mode == "OFF"} {
} elseif {$mom_sequence_mode == "ON"} {
} elseif {$mom_sequence_mode == "AUTO"} {
set mom_warning_info \
"SEQNO/AUTO not implemented: Event Name: MOM_sequence_number"
} elseif {$mom_sequence_mode == "N"} {
MOM_reset_sequence $mom_sequence_number $mom_sequence_increment \
} else {
set mom_warning_info \
"MOM_SEQUENCE_MODE UNKNOWN: Event Name: MOM_sequence_number"
} else {
MOM_reset_sequence $mom_sequence_number $mom_sequence_increment $mom_sequence_frequency
proc MOM_set_modes {} {
# This procedure is executed for the Set Mode command.
global mom_output_mode
global mom_arc_mode
global mom_feed_rate_output_mode
global mom_parallel_to_axis
global mom_machine_mode
global mom_modes_text
if {$mom_output_mode == "ABSOLUTE"} {
MOM_incremental OFF X Y Z
} elseif {$mom_output_mode == "INCREMENTAL"} {
MOM_incremental ON X Y Z
if {$mom_arc_mode == "LINEAR"} {
} elseif {$mom_arc_mode == "CIRCULAR"} {
# "OFF", "IPM", "IPR", "MMPM", "MMPR", "INVERSE"
if {$mom_feed_rate_output_mode == "FPM"} {
} elseif {$mom_feed_rate_output_mode == "FPR"} {
} elseif {$mom_feed_rate_output_mode == "INVERSE"} {
} elseif {$mom_feed_rate_output_mode == "OFF"} {
if {$mom_parallel_to_axis == "ZAXIS"} {
} elseif {$mom_parallel_to_axis == "WAXIS"} {
} elseif {$mom_parallel_to_axis == "UAXIS"} {
if {$mom_machine_mode == "MILL"} {
} elseif {$mom_machine_mode == "TURN"} {
} elseif {$mom_machine_mode == "UNCH"} {
} elseif {$mom_machine_mode == "LASER"} {
} elseif {$mom_machine_mode == "TORCH"} {
} elseif {$mom_machine_mode == "WIRE"} {
proc MOM_cutcom_on {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Cutcom command is activated.
proc MOM_cutcom_off {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Cutcom command is deactivated.
MOM_do_template cutcom_off
proc MOM_spindle_rpm {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Spindle command is activated.
proc MOM_spindle_off {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Spindle command is deactivated.
MOM_do_template spindle_off
proc MOM_coolant_on {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Coolant command is activated.
global coolant_flag
set coolant_flag 1
proc MOM_coolant_off {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Coolant command is deactivated.
MOM_do_template coolant_off
proc MOM_opstop {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Optional Stop command is activated.
MOM_do_template opstop
proc MOM_stop {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Program Stop command is activated.
MOM_do_template stop
proc MOM_opskip_on {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Optional skip command is activated.
MOM_set_line_leader always "/"
proc MOM_opskip_off {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Optional skip command is activated.
MOM_set_line_leader off "/"
proc MOM_delay {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Delay command is activated.
MOM_force_block Once delay
MOM_do_template delay
proc MOM_auxfun {} {
# This procedure is executed when the Auxiliary command is activated. |