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机械CAD收入是1.358亿美圆,比上季度减少6%,比去年同季度减少22%。CAD license销售比上季度减少19%。
PTC首席财务官Ed Gillis说:“在CAD领域市场需求现在比较弱,接下来几个季度这种情况会继续。我们的收入可能在下几个季度不会增长。在CAD领域确实存在市场需求,但我们不知道这种需求是否会消失也不知道什么时候消失。我们的产品开发种类是深入的,我们以后要发挥这个优势”。接着,他还说PTC公司财政平衡没有问题。
PTC’s 总裁兼首席行政官 Dick Harrison 声明:PTC公司现在泰然自若,一旦市场需求旺盛,PTC就会成功。他说:”我们作为一个这个领域的公司,有巨大的储备能力。我们的产品系列是针对制造业协同制造的产品的。我们有巨大的资产,在制造业有巨大的客户群体基础。这些支持我们作为在这个领域的领导地位-----不论是按产品版本还是按销售收入。“
PTC released its third fiscal quarter earnings on July 16, 2002. The company reported results ahead of Daratech’s forecast, with revenue for the quarter ended June 29, 2002 of $182.5 million and a net loss of $24.6 million, or earnings per share of $(0.09). The pro forma net loss, excluding non-recurring charges and the amortization of intangible assets, was $5.8 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, compared to pro forma net income of $6.7 million or $0.03 per diluted share for the same quarter a year ago.
A confident Dick Harrison, PTC’s president and CEO, said that he was pleased with the company’s execution in a difficult technology market. "We are confident in our business model, achieving out third quarter profit and revenue objectives while also achieving our cost control objectives. Our products are maturing to the point of excitement while our distribution model continues its evolution into direct sales to large accounts and channel sale to the mid-market. Customer satisfaction is increasing as a result of decreased sales turnover and improved product quality."
MCAD revenue was $135.8 million, down 6% (from $145 million) from the previous quarter and 22% from last year. MCAD license revenue continues to decline, to $37.4 million this quarter, down 19% sequentially, while services revenue was $98 million, down 1% from the March quarter. A total of 3100 new seats and 565 new customers were added. The average selling price was $12,200, down from $12,400 in the prior quarter.
Windchill revenue was $46.7 million for the quarter, up from $40 million last quarter or a strong 17% sequential increase. Windchill license revenue was $18.8 million, up 71% from the previous quarter; services revenue was $27.9 million, down 4% from last quarter. The company reports that 13,500 seats were sold, as the ASP decreased to $1,400 (from $2,100 last quarter), and that it added 39 new Windchill customers. The sequential improvement in Windchill license revenue is impressive and likely due to the company’s improved execution and well-articulated product strategy. On a year-over-year basis, however, Windchill still must make up quite a bit of ground: overall Windchill revenue for the quarter declined 16% from last year while license revenue was down 21%.
Total license revenue for all products in the third quarter was $56 million; total services revenue was $126 million. Overall license and services revenue were each down 1% sequentially. This is a marked improvement in that sequential declines had averaged 14% for license and 2% for services revenue for the prior four quarters. This turnaround could indicate that PTC’s sales execution has stabilized, but we will need several more quarters to determine that the corner has been turned.
On a geographic basis, North America accounted for $76 million of sales, representing 43% of sales, down 5% sequentially; Europe accounted for $57 million of sales, down 3% sequentially and Asia Pacific was just under $50 million, up 8% sequentially.
The company reported that the reseller revenue contribution was flat at about $10 million for the third quarter. Rand’s contribution continued to decrease, from 35% in the second quarter to about 30% this quarter. Harrison commented that he sees Rand’s contribution continuing to decrease; a PTC spokesman later indicated that this would probably level out at $2-$3 million per quarter. She also told Daratech that the number of resellers has not changed over the last several quarters, and stands at about 180--but that this will decrease to a smaller, more productive set that is vertically and regionally targeted.
PTC ended the quarter with $204 million in cash compared with $196 million at the end of last quarter.
Days sales outstanding was 78 days, flat with last quarter. Deferred revenue stayed relatively stable at $190 million this quarter.
Ed Gillis, PTC’s CFO, gave revenue guidance of $180 million per quarter for the "next two quarters." He added, "Spending in our sector is weak and this is likely to continue for the next several quarters. We are unlikely to see revenue or profitability growth. There are definitely sales leads in the pipeline, but we don’t know whether or when they will close." Gillis also indicated that the company was poised for a break-even at these levels.
Both Harrison and Gillis voiced their strong belief that the company was poised to succeed once the spending environment improves. Said Gillis, "I’m convinced that the product develOPMent category is under-penetrated. We need to improve our execution to capitalize on this opportunity." Harrison, in his opening remarks, put it more strongly: "We have great staying power as a company in this market. We have great assets, a strong and large customer base in manufacturing and the buzz among corporate executives in manufacturing is about products. This supports our leadership position in this space--both in terms of product vision and revenue." |