Posted - January 28 2004 : 08:14:58
I sure hope not. Talk about a tying a old dead stinking cat to a nice new car, my personal opinion is that the sooner GPP is retired for good, the better.
GPP is old, clunky, not very user friendly, has very limited string handling tools, has limited abilities to call outside scripts, depends too much on R&D for development, etc., etc.
I'm on a personal campaign to get the internal toolpath storage in Cimatron switched to a CL database, so that we can use any industry standard posting solution. Think about it. If the toolpath were stored in a CL database, and you were allowed to insert APT words with the manual editor, anything is possible. I could tab through a toolpath to a certain location, insert an APT statement like CUSTOM/BLOWCHIPS, and then simply write a macro to interpret this as a tool home, toolchange to air hose, blow chips, reload original tool, and continue cutting.
Switching to a CL database just makes so much sense in my eyes, I just have to convince the rest of the world.
Anyway, back to your original question. Sure, there might be new functions, but to tell the truth, in North America we don't care, as we don't use GPP. Check with your provider.
Phil Brylowski
Cimatron Technologies
from https:
从Cimatron 官方BBS上看到CIM工程师的这段话,他说:I sure hope not. Talk about a tying a old dead stinking cat to a nice new car, my personal opinion is that the sooner GPP is retired for good, the better.
意思是GPP post已经属于"死亡"了.看样子,对一些深入CAM的人,不仅仅是当作一份工作的人而言,是要研究IMS POST了.等RAY斑竹和高手给我上点入门课,;) |