The CEO of arch-competitor Dassault Systemes expressed no interest: Dassault plans more acquisitions of "interesting start-ups," but definitely ruled out purchasing UGS PLM Solutions.
Autodesk has in the past expressed interest in customer lists, not in the technology of up-for-sale competitors. This is different, however, because acquiring NX (nee UGS) would allow the company to make r-e-a-l-l-y big sales to automotive and aircraft manufacturers. But does Autodesk have access to US$1.8 billion?
先锋 wrote:
The CEO of arch-competitor Dassault Systemes expressed no interest: Dassault plans more acquisitions of "interesting start-ups," but definitely ruled out purchasing UGS PLM Solutions.
Autodesk has in the past expressed interest in customer lists, not in the technology of up-for-sale competitors. This is different, however, because acquiring NX (nee UGS) would allow the company to make r-e-a-l-l-y big sales to automotive and aircraft manufacturers. But does Autodesk have access to US$1.8 billion?
AutoCAD的AutoDesk 公司已经表示过正在考虑收购UGS公司,但目的是为了获取UGS的汽车、航空航天业客户而不是其CAD技术。但Autodesk公司有EDS标价的18亿美元吗?