本帖最后由 ning58 于 2015-4-16 17:28 编辑
Function Create2View(SwDraw As DrawingDoc, AsmPrt, ConfName, View1, X1, Y1, View2, X2, Y2, oScale, RegExp As RegExp)
Dim ViewName, SwView As View, SwView1 As View
ViewName = "Front"
ViewName = "前视"
With SwDraw
Set SwView = .CreateDrawViewFromModelView3(AsmPrt, "*" & ViewName, X1 / 1000, Y1 / 1000, 0) ''
SwView.SetName2 View1
Set SwView1 = .CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(X2 / 1000, Y2 / 1000, 0, False) '
SwView1.SetName2 View2
.InsertModelAnnotations3 0, swInsertDimensionsMarkedForDrawing, True, True, True, False
.InsertModelAnnotations3 0, swInsertDimensions, True, True, True, False
''Debug.Print SwView.Name,
SwView.ScaleDecimal = 1 / oScale
SwView.ReferencedConfiguration = ConfName
SwView1.ReferencedConfiguration = ConfName
End With
If Not RegExp Is Nothing Then
delDim SwDraw, SwView, RegExp
End If
With SwDraw
.ForceRebuild3 True
End With
End Function