name SIEMENS 802S
% 00
N >4
* 00
& 00
G 2
X ->3.>3
Y ->3.>3
Z ->3.>3
I ->3.>3
J ->3.>3
K ->3.>3
M 2
T >2
H >2
V >2
D >2
S >4
F >4
ModalLetters X Y Z F # List of letters that are modal
ModalGs 0 1 2 3 # List of g codes that are modal
Sequence#s N 1 1 1 # Char, freq, incr & start
First#? N # Y or N 'Output 1st sequence no.
Last#? Y # Y or N 'Output last sequence no.
HCode X # X or X U 'Horizontal char.
VCode Y # Y or Y V 'Vertical char.
Dcode Z # Depth char.
FeedCode F # Feed rate char.
Comment ;( ) # Begin End comment char.
Spindle 3 4 5 # Cw, ccw & stop m codes
Coolant 8 9 7 # Flood, Off, Mist and Thru Spindle M codes
DComp 41 42 40 # Left, Right & Cancel m codes
LComp 43 49 # On & Off codes
Feed G01 # Linear move
Rapid G00 # Rapid positioning word
ArcPlane G 17 18 19 # G19, G18, G17 Arc Plane selection
Cw G02 # Circular move clockwise
Ccw G03 # Circular move counter clockwise
Inc/Abs G 91 90 #Inc& Abs char. & values
CtrCode I J K # I J or R or I J K L
Helical? Y
Spaces? Y # Y or N 'Spaces between words
Incremental? Y # Y or N 'Inc or abs output
CtrIncremental? Y # Y or N 'Inc or abs I & J
ByQuadrants? Y # Y or N 'Break arcs at quadrants
UppercaseComments? N # Y or N 'Require uppercase comments
StartCode # Start of the program
G<53> G<17> G<90>
G<60> G<601> D<1>
G<54> S<Speed> M<Direct> T<Tool> F<FRate>
G<Side> X<H> Y<V> F<FRate>
G<1> G<40> X<H> Y<V>
G<60> G<601> D<1>
G<54> S<Speed> M<Direct> T<Tool> F<FRate>
M09 # End of the program
Replace "*" With "%_N_CAM_MPF"
REPLACE "&" WITH "M07" |