Sub red_XYZ()
On Error Resume Next
Dim SelMgr As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim FileName As String
Dim ColumnNumber As Integer
Dim PropName As String
Dim cx As Integer
Dim xy As Integer
Dim cz As Integer
Dim cw As Integer
Dim Mx As Integer
Dim nErrors As Long
Dim nWarnings As Long
Dim ix As Double
Dim boolstatus As Long
Dim longstatus As Long
HeaderRow = 2
RowNumber = 3
ColumnNumber = 6
PropName = Cells(HeaderRow, ColumnNumber)
m_x = Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Column
cx = 0
cy = 0
cz = 0
While Len(PropName) > 0 '直到读完表头
If cx > 0 And cy > 0 And cz > 0 Then ColumnNumber = m_x
If PropName = "外形_L" Then
cx = ColumnNumber
End If
If PropName = "外形_W" Then
cy = ColumnNumber
End If
If PropName = "外形_H" Then
cz = ColumnNumber
End If
If PropName = "规格" Then
cw = ColumnNumber
End If
ColumnNumber = ColumnNumber + 1 '下一栏
PropName = Cells(HeaderRow, ColumnNumber)
Wend '回到>直到读完表头
If cx = 0 Then
Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1) = "外形_L"
cx = Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Column
End If
If cy = 0 Then
Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1) = "外形_W"
cy = Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Column
End If
If cz = 0 Then
Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1) = "外形_H"
cz = Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Column
End If
Set objClassfac = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory")
Set swDM = objClassfac.GetApplication(SWDMLicenseKey) '启动SWDM
'Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application") '启动SW
RowNumber = HeaderRow + 1
PathName = Cells(RowNumber, 2) '读取第一个路径的值
While Not (PathName = "" Or PathName = 0 Or IsEmpty(PathName)) '直到读完路径栏
FileName = Cells(RowNumber, 3) & "." & Cells(RowNumber, 4)
If UCase(Right(FileName, 3)) = "PRT" Then
Set swDoc = swDM.GetDocument(PathName & FileName, 1, False, mOpenErrors)
'Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
' Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(PathName + FileName, 1, 0, "", nErrors, nWarnings)
Set Part = swDoc
Set SelMgr = Part.SelectionManager
If Cells(1, 5) = "1" Then
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("平板型式1", "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
Part.ClearSelection2 True
longstatus = Part.SetBendState(2)
boolstatus = Part.EditRebuild3()
End If
Corners = Part.GetPartBox(True)
Y = Round(Abs(Corners(4) - Corners(1)) * 1000, 1) 'Y
Z = Round(Abs(Corners(5) - Corners(2)) * 1000, 1) 'Z
X = Round(Abs(Corners(3) - Corners(0)) * 1000, 1) 'X
If X < Y Then ix = X: X = Y: Y = ix
If Y < Z Then ix = Y: Y = Z: Z = ix
If X < Y Then ix = X: X = Y: Y = ix
Cells(RowNumber, cx) = X
Cells(RowNumber, cy) = Y
Cells(RowNumber, cz) = Z
If Cells(RowNumber, cw) <> X & "×" & Y & "×" & Z Then Cells(RowNumber, cw) = X & "×" & Y & "×" & Z
swApp.CloseDoc PathName & FileName '关闭工程图
Cells(RowNumber, 2).Select
Cells(RowNumber, 2).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 127)
End If
RowNumber = RowNumber + 1 '下一列
PathName = Cells(RowNumber, 2)
MsgBox "零件外形尺寸读取完成"
End Sub