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B02-笔记本电脑 B 件流动平衡探讨

2011-8-15 17:03| 查看: 50293| 评论: 0|来自: 科盛科技

摘要: 随着科技的发展,计算机以每季度的速度更新换代。笔记本电脑 B 件开模周期也由 30 天压缩至 25 天, 产品也越薄越复杂,传统的试误法已无法满足模具厂的需求。本人借助 Moldex3D 塑料模具设计专家系统对 笔记本电脑 ...
笔记本电脑 B 件流动平衡探讨
Flow Balance Research for Notebook PC Bezel
罗子洪 徐政裕
Colin luo Tony Hsu
CoreTech System Co., Ltd

随着科技的发展,计算机以每季度的速度更新换代。笔记本电脑 B 件开模周期也由 30 天压缩至 25 天, 产品也越薄越复杂,传统的试误法已无法满足模具厂的需求。本人借助  Moldex3D 塑料模具设计专家系统对 笔记本电脑 B 件注射成型过程进行熔体流动平衡分析,通过调整浇注系统中流道的大小与位置,达到熔体 流动平衡的目的,保证成型中的塑件具有良好的质量,缩短开发周期。

关键词: 流动平衡、流率、成型压力。

With the develOPMent of technology, PC is updating in a quarter. The mold the Notebook PC bezel cycle time decreases from 50 days to 25 days. and the products are more and more complex. The traditional method of trial and error is hard to met the mold factory requirement. In this paper, with the help of Moldex3D system, we made the balance analyze of melt flow balance in notebook PC bezel in injection molding. By adjusting the position and size of runners, we achieved the target of melt flow balance, ensured the properties of plastic products to be well, and shortened the development cycle.

Keyword: Flow balance, Flow rate, Molding pressure.



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