应用 CAE 技术于残留应力影响电子连接器断裂问题之探讨 RESIDUAL STRESS EFFECT ON ELECTRONIC CONNECTOR BREAKING BY USING CAE TECHNIQUE 廖伟纶、林秀春、王维达 Alan Liao, Alice Lin, Marvin Wang 科盛科技 Core Tech System Co., Ltd 中文摘要 随着塑料射出成型制程技术的进步,3C 产品组件除了要求高质量、高精度外,微小化及轻量化 更成为近来趋势,其使得 3C 产品内的电子连接器愈趋精微,但产品强度的要求却未减反增。而影响 强度的因素有很多种,其中残留应力是很重要的因素之一。在高速射出成型时,电子连接器局部区域 可能会产生残留应力,导致在承载外力作用时可能会发生断裂问题。因此,本文利用 Moldex3D 模流 分析软件探讨残留应力影响电子连接器断裂问题,透过 Moldex3D 结果分析有助于观察残留应力分布 并使其改善,达到有效解决电子连接器断裂问题。 英文摘要 With the progress in molding technology, besides high quality, and precision, miniaturization and lightweight have become major trend in 3C industry recently. It implies that parts, such as electronic connector, in 3C products, are demanded much lighter and smaller as well. And meanwhile, required product strength required is increasing. There are many factors which can aeffect product strength, and residual stress is one of the most important ones. It is known that local residual stress will probably occurs under high injection speed in molding electronic parts, which will results in part breaking under external force. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a CAE simulation tool, Moldex3D, to study the effects of residual stress for on electronic connector breaking. Through simulation, residual stress and improved design can be observed to find out the better processing conditions for solving part breaking. 关键词: Moldex3D、残留应力、断裂、电子连接器 |
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