我在用VS命令做《小题大作》中凹陷面题时,出现如下问题,SECTION为R3圆弧,在SELF INTERSECTING 处我加两个SECTION(图中黄色三角形指示处),可出现如图示的错误。百思不得其解。请各位看看是怎么回事?另如果R3圆珠笔弧加了与底面的交线的相交相切约束后,VS命令会出现错误提示:The new surface could not be connected to the highlighted participating geometry.而它指的participating geometry是底面。
create a circle as PATH.
sketch on this path.
intersection at both top and down edge. You will get two lines.
create a circle (R3) tangency with them.
used V-sweep function to create this surface.
This surface will tangency with both top and bottom surface.