Microcellular injection molding is an emerging process capable of producing foamed parts with many advantages, such as material, energy, and cost savings, as well as enhanced dimensional stability. A novel Supercritical fluid pellet Injection Molding Foaming (SIFT) technology for producing injection molded parts with a foamed structure has been developed. The idea is to pre-load an atmospheric gas, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2), into the plastic pellets to act as a physical blowing agent. Processing those gas-laden and ready-to-foam pellets using regular injection molding machines lowers equipment costs without sacrificing the production rate, thus making it a viable and attractive candidate for the mass production of foamed injection molded parts. This process is akin to employing a chemical blowing agent (CBA) without the typical concerns of chemical residual. The shelf life of the gas-laden pellets is an important factor in this process because the effective gas content may vary with time due to gas desorption, which could lead to variation in part quality. In this paper, research results on (1) comparison of shelf life using CO2 and N2 as the blowing agent, (2) shelf life of CO2-laden pellets, and (3) evaluation of effective gas content in the CO2-laden pellets are presented.
Key Words: Microcellular injection molding, microcellular extrusion, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
美国威斯康新大学麦迪逊分校机械工程学系 童立生 教授
童立生教授目前任职于美国威斯康新大学麦迪逊分校机械工程学系,研究领域涵盖新工艺及新材料。童教授长期致力于注塑成型,微孔塑料成型(MuCell Process),近年来也将研究扩展至纳米复合材料,生质聚合物及组织工程支架。此外,他的杰出研究成果更获得了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)学术奖,以及主要研究仪器奖、威斯康新创新与经济发展研究计划等多项补助与奖项。童教授目前也担任美国威斯康新大学“聚合物工程中心” 共同主任、美国机械工程师学会(ASME)与世界塑料工程师学会(SPE)会士并担任其组委及教育委员会主席、同时也担任多个国际知名期刊之编委。童教授曾任职于以软件而闻名的美国AC Technology 公司。在此期间,他担任4 项美国自然科学基金和纽约州自然科学基金负责人;由于科研成就瞩目,目前获威斯康星创新探索计划(WID), 带领一个研究团队专攻创新性组织工程之研发,相信在未来能够帮助受损的人体组织维持及改善其功能。