最有名的TPE应该是santoprene了, 常利用
其弹性用于做各种抗冲击的保护结构, 有些
手柄用TPE可增加握力, 防滑. 更酷的是
有些钓鱼用的饵也是用TPE注塑, 当然
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE):a diverse family of rubber like materials that, unlike conventional vulcanized rubbers, can be processed and recycled like thermoplastic materials
Dynamic Vulcanization: the process of intimate melt mixing a thermoplastic polymer and a suitable reactive rubbery polymer to generate a thermoplastic elastomer with a chemically crosslinked rubbery phase, resulting in properties closer to those of a thermoset rubber when compared to the same uncrosslinked composition.
Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV): a thermoplastic elastomer with a chemically crosslinked rubbery phase, produced by dynamic vulcanization.
TPEs provide functional performance and properties similar to conventional thermoset rubber products, but can be processed with the speed, efficiency and economy of thermoplastics.
In addition to simpler processing, principal advantages of TPEs compared to thermoset rubber products include easier recycling of scrap and closer, more economical control of dimensions and product quality.
TPEs are used in a variety of applications in the automotive, construction, medical, food and beverage, electrical, appliance and consumer electronic markets.
Key Benefits of TPEs
Design flexibility
Weight reduction
Wide service temperature range
Ease of processing
Product quality and dimensional consistency
In-house recyclability