Option Explicit
Dim Language
' Purpose: This macro calls the kinematics solver
' and applies the computed motion to a
' part of the mechanism
' in a specific product document
' Assumptions: The product document used as input is result of the
' CAAKiiMechanismCreation use case
' Author:
' Languages: VBScript
' Version: V5R6
' Locales: US English
Sub CATMain()
' 1-Prolog
' 1.a-Declare required variables: command set, motion matrix
Dim dValcmd(1)
Dim dMotion(11)
' 1.b-Retrieve the root product
Dim oRootProduct
Set oRootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
' 1.c-Retrieve the Mechanisms as a TechnologicalObject of the Product
Dim cTheMechanisms
Set cTheMechanisms = oRootProduct.GetTechnologicalObject("Mechanisms")
' 1.d-Take 1st mechanism found, and first moving part
Dim oFirstMechanism
Set oFirstMechanism = cTheMechanisms.Item(1)
' 2-Retrieve number of moving parts, and first one
Dim iNbProd
iNbProd = oFirstMechanism.NbProducts
Dim oMovingPart
Set oMovingPart = oFirstMechanism.GetProduct(1)
' 3-Retrieve current command values
oFirstMechanism.GetCommandValues dValcmd
' 4-Solve for other command values
' 4.a-Create another command set
dValcmd(0) = dValcmd(0) + 10
' 4.b-Apply the command set
oFirstMechanism.PutCommandValues dValcmd
' 5-Retrieve motion for a part after solving and apply it
' 5.a-Retrieve motion for a part after solving
oFirstMechanism.GetProductMotion oMovingPart,dMotion
' 5.b-Apply the motion to the part
oMovingPart.Move.Apply dMotion