好象Moldflow也出了一个Moldflow Desgin Link(MDL)的。就是专门为MPI,MPA提供文档转化插口的软件,现在好象有3.0了的。不妨试试。
Release Notes: Moldflow Design Link 3.0
Moldflow Design Link 3.0 (MDL 3.0) provides a geometry data translation interface between Moldflow’s range of simulation products and leading CAD systems using standard file formats such as IGES, STEP, Parasolid, and Pro/ENGINEER[$reg] part files. MDL 3.0 can be used to import CAD model geometry directly into both Moldflow Plastics Advisers[$#8482] (MPA[$#8482]) and Moldflow Plastics Insight[$#8482] (MPI[$#8482]).
New in MDL 3.0 is an option to directly import native Pro/ENGINEER part files without the need for a separate Pro/ENGINEER license.
There are 2 versions available for MDL 3.0:
MDL/Parasolid – for the import of Parasolid, IGES, and STEP files
MDL/Pro/ENGINEER – for the import of Pro/ENGINEER part files, IGES, and STEP files
Integration with Moldflow Plastics Insight 3.0
MPI 3.0 and MPI 3.0 Revision 1
These releases are integrated with and support both MDL 2.0 and MDL 3.0.
Imported geometry is now represented in the new MPI/Synergy pre- and post-processor as trimmed NURBS surfaces. These surfaces can be independently viewed, grouped, or meshed. NURBS surfaces are supported by the IGES, STEP, Parasolid and Pro/ENGINEER file formats.
Integration with Moldflow Plastics Advisers 5.0
MPA 5.0 is currently integrated with MDL 3.0.
Usage from the command line
Input arguments
-i filename
sets the input model
-o filename
sets the output model
-k kernel
sets the kernel (parasolid/parametric/moldflow)
-log filename
set optional log file
-r on/off
remesh mode on/off
-t on/off
translate only on/off
-m mesher
selects mesher (mpg/cm2k)
-input filename
keyword input file
locks current implementation of MDL to this path
Supported file types
Parasolid Kernel: X_T, X_B, STEP, IGES
CAD System Issues
Pro/ENGINEER part files (*.prt) are usually versioned, that is, there is an extension after the .prt extension (*.prt.1, *.prt.2 etc ). MPI 3.0, MPI 3.0 Revision 1, and MPA 5.0 currently do not support this type of file extension. This is scheduled as an enhancement request for the future revisions in each product line.
Rename the file to remove the version extension, for example, "model1.prt.1" would be renamed as "model1.prt".
Previous Alpha versions of MDL 3.0 may have left some temporary files in the ./CDALIB directory used when translating STEP files with the Parasolid kernel. These usually arise from killing the MDL 3.0 job before it has properly finished. If this directory has not been deleted correctly then STEP file transfers will not work in MPI 3.0.
Delete the ./CDALIB directory and all its contents. This is safe to do as all files in this directory are temporary files created at run time. |