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如需查看配图,可到:https://www.docin.com/p-1015562097.html 这份数据主要是介绍如何从各种CAD软件中输出STL格式。这些资料是搜集来自因特网。某些软件可能因为版本问题而有所不同,请再确认CAD的操作手册。这些只是ㄧ般的原则,在某些案例上也许不能产生最佳STL,请再询问您的CAD供货商。 定义 STL是最多快速 原型系统所应用的标准档案类型。STL是用三角网格来表现3D CAD 模型。单一三角网格的数码表现如下所示: solidtest
facet normal 0 1 0
outer loop
vertex 0 4 0
vertex 0.517638 3.93185 0
vertex 0.5 3.93185 -0.133975
endsolid test 表面的三角剖分之后造成3D模型呈现多面体状。输出STL档案的参数选用会影响到多面体状发生的情形。下列图示分别展示出细致与粗糙的STL模型。 您建构的快速原型不会比STL档案的效果更好或是更平滑。所以如果STL档案属于粗糙的或是呈现多面体状,您将会在模型上看到真实的反应。 在CAD软件包中,当您输出STL档案时,您可能会看到的参数设定名称,如弦高(chord height)、误差(deviation)、角度公差(angle tolerance)、或是某些相似的名称。建议储存值为0.01或是0.02。 您不需要去将参数设定的太细致。比较精致的STL相对档案也会比较大型,这会影响到切层软件进行处理的速度。下列是各种3D软件存盘输出STL格式的方式。 STL Creation Softwarepackages Again, these are only generalguidelines and may not work or produce the best possible STL files in somecases. Please consult your user's guide or the software developers for moreinformation or technical support. Alibre 1. File 2. Export 3. SaveAs > STL 4. EnterFile Name 5. Save AutoCAD (Versions: R14-2000i)
Your design must be a three-dimensional solid object to output an STL file. 1. Makesure the model is in positive space 2. Atthe command prompt type “FACETRES” 3. SetFACETRES BETWEEN 1 &10. (1 Being low resolution and 10 high resolution forSTL Triangles) 4. Next,at the command prompt type “STLOUT” 5. SelectObjects 6. Choose “Y” for Binary 7. ChooseFilename I-DEAS 1. File> Export > Rapid Prototype File > OK 2. Selectthe Part to be Prototyped 3. SelectPrototype Device > SLA500.dat > OK 4. Setabsolute facet deviation to 0.000395 5. SelectBinary > OK IronCAD 1. RightClick on the part 2. PartProperties > Rendering 3. SetFacet Surface Smoothing to 150 4. File> Export 5. Choose.STL Mechanical Desktop 1. Usethe AMSTLOUT command to export your STL file. 2. Thefollowing command line options affect the quality of the STL and should beadjusted to produce an acceptable file. 1. AngularTolerance - This command limits the angle between the normals of adjacenttriangles. The default setting is 15 degrees. Reducing the angle will increasethe resolution of the STL file. 2. AspectRatio - This setting controls the Height/Width ratio of the facets. A settingof 1 would mean the height of a facet is no greater than its width. The defaultsetting is 0, ignored. 3. SurfaceTolerance - This setting controls the greatest distance between the edge of afacet and the actual geometry. A setting of 0.0000 causes this option to beignored. 4. VertexSpacing - This option controls the length of the edge of a facet. The defaultsetting is 0.0000, ignored. ProE 1. File> Export > Model (or File > Save a Copy) 2. Settype to STL 3. Setchord height to 0. The field will be replaced by minimum acceptable value. 4. SetAngle Control to 1 5. ChooseFile Name 6. OK ProE Wildfire 1. File> Save a Copy > Model 2. Changetype to STL (*.stl) 3. SetChord Height to 0. The field will be replaced by minimum acceptable value. 4. SetAngle Control to 1 5. OK
1. File> Save As 2. SelectFile Type > STL 3. Entera name for the STL file. 4. Save 5. SelectBinary STL Files SolidDesigner (Version 8.x) 1. File> Save 2. SelectFile Type > STL 3. SelectData 4. ClickOK SolidDesigner (not sure of version) 1. File> External > Save STL 2. SelectBinary mode 3. SelectPart 4. Enter0.001mm for Max Deviation Distance 5. ClickOK 1. File> Save As 2. SetSave As Type to STL 3. Options 4. SetConversion Tolerance to 0.005mm 5. SetSurface Plane Angle to 45.00 6. Save 1. File> Save As 2. SetSave As Type to STL 3. Options> Resolution > Fine > OK 4. Save Think3 1. File> Save As 2. SetSave As Type to STL 3. Save Unigraphics 1. File> Export > Rapid Prototyping 2. SetOutput type to Binary 3. SetTriangle Tolerance to 0.0025 4. SetAdjacency Tolerance to 0.12 5. SetAuto Normal Gen to On 6. SetNormal Display to Off 7. SetTriangle Display to On CADKey 1. ChooseStereolithography from Export options 2. Enterthe Filename 3. ClickOK Inventor 1. SaveCopy As 2. SelectSTL 3. ChooseOptions > Set to High 4. EnterFilename 5. Save 深圳市普立得科技有限公司 黄至明先生 Randy Huang 联系方式:0755-82953613 手机:13910370690 网址:www.3dpt.cn 地址:深圳市福田区车公庙泰然四路劲松大厦5C
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