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Measurement Mass Properties
Displayed Mass Property Values
Volume = 1000000.000000001 mm^3
Area = 60000.000000000 mm^2
Mass = 7.830634956 kg
Weight = 76.792365570 N
Radius of Gyration = 50.000000000 mm
Centroid = 50.000000000, 50.000000000, 50.000000000 mm
Detailed Mass Properties
Analysis calculated using accuracy of 0.990000000
Information Units Grams - Millimeters
Density = 0.007830640
Volume = 1000000.000000000
Area = 60000.000000000
Mass = 7830.640000000
First Moments
Mxc, Myc, Mzc = 391532.000000000, 391532.000000000, 391532.000000000
Center of Mass
Xcbar, Ycbar, Zcbar = 50.000000000, 50.000000000, 50.000000000
Moments of Inertia (Work)
Ixxw, Iyyw, Izzw = 52204266.666666687, 52204266.666666687, 52204266.666666687
Moments of Inertia (Centroidal)
Ixx, Iyy, Izz = 13051066.666666673, 13051066.666666672, 13051066.666666675
Moments of Inertia (Spherical)
I = 19576600.000000007
Products of Inertia (Work)
Pyzw, Pxzw, Pxyw = 19576600.000000007, 19576600.000000007, 19576600.000000007
Products of Inertia (Centroidal)
Pyz, Pxz, Pxy = 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000
Radii of Gyration (Work)
Rxgw, Rygw, Rzgw = 81.649658093, 81.649658093, 81.649658093
Radii of Gyration (Centroidal)
Rxg, Ryg, Rzg = 40.824829046, 40.824829046, 40.824829046
Radii of Gyration (Spherical)
R = 50.000000000
Principal Axes
Xp(X), Xp(Y), Xp(Z) = 1.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000
Yp(X), Yp(Y), Yp(Z) = 0.000000000, 1.000000000, 0.000000000
Zp(X), Zp(Y), Zp(Z) = 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 1.000000000
Principal Moments
Ixxp, Iyyp, Izzp = 13051066.666666673, 13051066.666666672, 13051066.666666675
Error Estimates
Volume = 0.000000000
Area = 0.000000000
Mass = 0.000000000
Moments of Inertia (Spherical) = 0.000000000
Center of Mass = 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000
Moments of Inertia (Work) = 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000
Products of Inertia (Work) = 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000Sample Text |